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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Nixy in Lycra Oh, forgot she has ben around a while now
  2. 177.1 miles at a constant 70 in a ZED Even when I have the cruise on on motorways I do like to see if the button will accelerate the car as quick as something that might have overtaken me - that is one thing I have noticed with the 06/296 engine it does respond more keenly over the rev range to the 'button' compared to my previous 04/276 car which I can recall was better in terms of using the overall torque charcateristics of that engine and seemed to work better in decelerating the car. But I guess these fly-by-wire systems will vary slightly in each car And oh yes, for those who think cruise control is a waste - they are very handy with the increasing number of 'specs' around - made sections of the M25 and M42 on the trip up to Wales more bearable and hopefully points free
  3. Thanks for that Daaave - on the list for September Hey Stanksi - fancy a little run through these Welsh roads in September - but this time no cakes in your boot to slow you down Stan tells me it was the lack of brakes to slow him down that worried him nah ..... he forgot what the pedal on the far right was really for
  4. Same for me, what are the products used to get the shine you got in the photos on the black car ?? My azure is a great colour but you can see the swirls when you look hard. Most the answers to your query are found amongst the photos on the first page of this thread and the final coat was Swissvax Best of Show wax, but you may wish to PM Bryd for further advice?
  5. Thanks for the info - can you provide a bit more detail about the location of the 'Military Road' and 'Dukes pass' + best direction
  6. Thanks for that Daaave - on the list for September Hey Stanksi - fancy a little run through these Welsh roads in September - but this time no cakes in your boot to slow you down
  7. Thanks for that Daaave - on the list for September
  8. Given your stats of 1032.4 miles/27.0mpg down to Wales and back I might have a chance, as add on mine of 690.7 miles/26.9mpg up from Surrey and back (average 41 mph and a slight detour via Cannock on the way up to see some relatives) that looks like a round trip of about 1700 miles, although as I'll be taking a route up through Wales (got to do the Evo triangle again) and a detour to take in some other good driving roads , probably more around 2000 miles. Hence the idea to include a visit to Sunderland - car might need a service, and some bits added if the other 'alf ain't alooking!
  9. Same weekend as the Scotish jaunt that I've signed up for and as they are at opposite ends of the UK might be struggling to get to both. Mind you, I see Charlie is down for both - have to see how she's managing it
  10. yes and surely if you don't go through the insurance but simply repair a car yourself nobody would be any the wiser either? Have you tried twisting your chassis back in shape
  11. Ebized


    Best to use the air-con whenever you feel the need - it does the system good to be used regularly, including the winter and adjust the temp so it is as warm as you like. Frankly I find the difference in fuel consumption is not a lot different - your right foot makes the biggest impression on that .
  12. Done all that - was just just doing as you told us and checking tyre pressures and topping the tank up for the journey up. Better not rain but I guess I'll be de-bugging when I get Chester anyway But that will not stop the 's on Sunday
  13. Hi Dave: Good to meet you this afternoon and your ZED was looking good . Amazed you haven't found this site before after nearly 2 years of ownership but hope you found this site OK from the card I left with you. You will find you can get all the things the Nissan stealers want to charge you the earth for at far more reasonable rates. ESR for the wheels is a good bet ! Colin
  14. +1 You can never be too careful.
  15. before my time so it really must be an oldie
  16. buy a stepladder to go with it then
  17. Something not right with that car - UK one with no service history and its a 276 on a 56 plate? The seller is clearly confused about what the car is and his feedback rating ain't great Bargepole job
  18. Anytime really mate - I will meet you at Chester services first anyway , then I suppose Bala and well if anyone just wants to pop over -grab yer cakes if you want them - feel free - The smell in your car wil be like 'home from home' for you I guess but good on you doing this - thanks
  19. Different line of coffee & biscuits then? - bringing some tasters Great news you are coming to Wales - reckon your order books will be filling up
  20. I'm supposed to wash it Dave Obligatory mate - some consession may be allowed if it were to rain but as it is not going to do that, nice and shiney please
  21. THIS COMES COURTESY OF AN UNKNOWN WOMAN Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror complaining to my husband that my breasts are too small. Instead of characteristically telling me it's not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion: 'If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds' Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet paper and stand in front of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. 'How long will this take?' I asked. 'They will grow larger over a period of years,' my husband replies. I stopped. 'Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the years?' Without missing a beat he says 'Worked for your arse, didn't it?' He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy, he may even walk again although he will probably continue to take his meals through a straw.
  22. Go into 'edit your profile ' and in the sig box add your pic in the normal way as posting pics on the main site. Easy if you have a photobucket a/c where there is also the facility to edit your pics to meet the required 500 x 100 pixels size. I also edited my sig using Microsoft photo editor - very easy. Hope this helps
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