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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Google search revealed this, (more or less in plain english ): http://www.a2hg.co.uk/files/seealsodocs ... 20home.pdf Hope it helps
  2. That was some hangover you had there Tilly
  3. Welcome to the forum Great colour choice too See you on the Jockland Hoon - looks like black will be THE colour of choice 40 minutes from the start eh? - that's about 480 less than me if I were coming direct, but any exuse to take in some decent driving roads will mean a few more hours/days added on as compensation (Oh, and when you meet the other 'alf - remember the trip is all about the wonderful scenery she is seeing )
  4. Sounds like you have a well known sympton - example here: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7151 I had the noise on my 2004 ZED (at times) but no probs from it for the 15 months or so I had that one - so far the 2006 ZED I have is...... quiet Nothing to really worry about it seems
  5. I booked three holidays today all at Butlins ?? Pontins actually Because they do special deals ex-ZED owners
  6. Cavey, who must have the widest rims on a roadster
  7. Welcome, and you are finding the same feeling for ZED ownership that we all continue to have, even after several years of ownership Let us know when you have got it painted, but you will find quite a few have left theirs in primer too
  8. Where's Lomoto - if anyone knows he will
  9. I presume your ZED is a coupe as the roadsters do not come supplied with the phone connectivity. So if you have a coupe the salesman is giving you absolute garbage - but we are hearing there is a problem with some new cars not being equipped with the cradle and/or the bluetooth adaptor that clips into the cradle due to supply problems. If your salesman still continues to talk out of his proverbial when you go back then ask him why you have got the phone buttons on your steering wheel The sales literature will also confirm the bluetooth connectivity that is partof the standard package. I am afraid the knowledge of some of the salesmen out there is absymal, guess they get so bored selling endless Micras that when they come to selling a ZED they are utterly clueless.
  10. Cavey (those tattoos are a give-away as you pose in your roadster ) at Belmont about 3pm today and then a coupe in Malden Road, Cheam with personal reg V6 G.. at about 6.30pm and looking very shiny. Anyone on here?
  11. Err - just heard from Phil - the cheque so he's coming over to take the bits back while you are away
  12. It were some very fine chap from up't'north chuck. Think you are right Rob, was chatting about it in the field in Chester and he has a thing about seats
  13. Sounds like a fuel pump issue to me - I can remember similar symptons with a fuel pump on a Golf GTi that I had a while back was on the way out. I am sure others more in the know than me will be along soon to sort you out.
  14. June is a no-go month for me but July, well I might be persuaded to trip north for one of your special cream dounuts, and a run out - no boot full of cakes to slow you down this time Stan, eh
  15. Sounds a good one to try - would that be the B6318 that follows Hadrian's Wall and then up to the keilder area on the B6357 from Pentonbridge?
  16. Funnily enough, yes how did I guess Apparently they are local, Tewksbury, just after the Jockland Hoon Does that mean you have to rush off half way through another run-out again. Oh and happy birthday 'son' - sorry I forgot the date - but I'll make up for that on 3/9
  17. Ebized


    Just for you Jay I'm getting that the image has been removed by photobucket - must be VERY naughty +1 Now I can see all, rather I hadn't ps: is that what you wear under your nomex Trev
  18. Ebized


    Just for you Jay I'm getting that the image has been removed by photobucket - must be VERY naughty
  19. Ebized


    nope - its about 6 inches too long
  20. Welcome mate and get some pics up when you get the car and save hard this week for a big petrol bill for the first couple of weeks you have it - you won't want to get out of the car
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