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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Looks but then you have the best colour On the treads? hope not, or your ma and pa's front windows might suddenly become fully etched with spinning wheels as you leave that gravel drive
  2. Ebized

    Engine Cover paint

    Any good ?(scroll down to the bottom ) http://www.nwepaints.co.uk/acatalog/HighTemp.html
  3. Bit extreme to keep your misses out Sarnie and love the technical term - perhaps she will tell you one night what the big red thing is More seriously getting back to dwj100uni's reason for the thread surely you would think that if the scroat broke into the house and stole the car keys/alarm fob that would be 'theft' of items from within the house which should should be covered by the household insurance? Had he got away with the car then the car insurance would have covered its theft given the keys had not been left in the car.
  4. +1 - got mine free from Nissan about a month after I bought the car - the inscription on the back is nice though "LUST THEN LOVE"
  5. The question is which gives the most thrills - for me 296 horses - can't keep up with the nappy changing and heavy panting at my time of life
  6. Some great pics there Adam - this one in particular Looking forward to enjoying these roads in September (preferably without the rain)
  7. but you got to admit, its one hellua place to store your apples
  8. I agree with others about the clicking rear axle is most likely the issue from your description. One other possibility I had with my previous (04) ZED was the rear pads needed some (high melting point) grease on the backs as when dry they tended to 'click' rather than slide smoothly in the caliper with the initial movement of the disc . Might be worth checking. Oh, and welcome (after a long stalk!) to the site
  9. Welcome to the site and good to see how you like to use the car Seeing your passion for circuits, I used to know someone in Ware who had a red 1930's Singer Le Mans used regularly in competition and he had other Singers as well - you seen him around?
  10. Gutted for you Andrew - time to visit your local trading standards office to see how you stand and see if the supplying garage has had similar complaints. Looking at the so called remedial work it could have been done by same outfit that made a mess of the car before you bought it. 'Not fit for purpose' also comes to mind.
  11. This might help show you what can be done: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= If you are in/near Surrey, PM me for the guy's details.
  12. Ebized

    Locking Nuts

    For the sake of £25 or so, I think you are mad not to have them, irrespective of any wheel type given the cost or replacing wheel(s)/tyre(s).
  13. Have to agree on this idea Me too, quick get it sorted i am Mr July
  14. Have to agree on this idea But after July as the pic of Beavis's car is out of date
  15. Will take that as two votes for further mods then Colin And remember, it was your idea, dont order soup at Aynesome on the Thursday, Liz is serving you Better bring a peace offering - I'd get some Midge Ure tickets but I don't want Liz arrested for stalking him!
  16. Will take that as two votes for further mods then Colin
  17. That should justify a few more mods for the ZED then Martin
  18. Possibly a sensor for the toll roads, if they have those in Japan?
  19. Perhaps you will be getting the the GTR Phil has ordered
  20. Don't do as I do, do................ Welcome Fletch, and keep the big man in order ps: Lexx those wheels look really
  21. Anyone on here? Blade or GM - Reg GU56 --Z?
  22. Superb job - must have been exhausting doing all that Tim but clearly worth it - how many tubes of Autosol did you use? Now I wonder how that exhaust will sound with that inimitable driving style of yours and the revs rarely stopping bouncing off the limiter
  23. She says you're a darling I'm more interested in the cool beers Case of San Miguel in the fridge, opener in the top drawer Headache pills in bottom drawer :bye:
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