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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esl2NNOtHQE A classic -
  2. Yeah, now you have been seen in the flesh Nixy, lets see you in the ZED - should be a cracking a weekend and Stew has promised it to be dry (I hope he means the weather )
  3. You might jest (or not ) I've already been looking at the tuning potential of the motorized buggies for us users
  4. Reckon Stanski would have given them a run for their money - even with a box full of cakes on board Just had to post something seeing I have hit a 1000 posts and am now a veteran in all respects Whore +1 Pure novice compared with you 2 and oi,
  5. Reckon Stanski would have given them a run for their money - even with a box full of cakes on board Just had to post something seeing I have hit a 1000 posts and am now a veteran in all respects
  6. Got to admire Hamilton's drive this time - he IS the next Senna in my book. Could have lapped the whole field if he chose/was allowed. And McLaren made the Ferrari contribution look very weak - Massa so lucky not to have binned it with the spins he had. Shame Barricello had a fuel fill problem otherwise he would have bettered his 3rd place - inspired trye choice, although I thought Martin was a bit strong on his trye views when it was raining - seeing what Lewis could do on the inters. Good viewing just looking forward to no ad interuptions next year. What's the betting of Donnington getting the GP from 2010 - I reckon it is a hurry-up call from Bernie to Silverstone? Knowing the planning process that will take a year+ - its not so much what they want/have to do on the circuit its the off-site issues that will throw the real gremlins.
  7. Nah, all naff.... ... not a 350 to be seen in any of them. Seriously though, they are are top notch - the first one of Wast Water (I believe?), is terrific - having seen similar shots of that location Liz has captured the rock formation reflection brilliantly
  8. Mke: A mod and graphics man and you don't know how these work - you're being coy
  9. It was pity Brands could not get the planning permissions that would have got F1 because that it is by far the best circuit and is very well placed - for me
  10. great!! Great if it is, who can ever forget Senna's opening lap in 93 in the rain. Here's a video of the opening lap for those that don't remember it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-t75o84nHE The confidence he displayed in this one lap is incredible. I wonder what other drivers thought after watching a repeat of the race. One to take real advantage of better grip off-line in the wet, in addition to his extraordinary skills.
  11. yeah, guilty too , I had a TV175, no lights or mirrors (already into speed then ) but I had the obligatory air horn and parka - really upset the teachers when I drove it to school as they walked in
  12. I appreciate that I can't see around corners or through bridges, but what i mean is that if the detectors don't pick up the scatter, its not going to make any difference whether i have one or not because as soon as it goes off, i've already been caught. I guess i need to do more reseach but it sounds to me as though, you buy one of these things and hopefully it will pick something up early enough for you to brake, but chances are it won't. So prob best to pick up something with camera location database, and if it has the benefit of a detecor of some sort it's a bonus. The 'scatter' you mention is a bit a red herring - the best laser detectors come with sensors you fit close as possible to your number plate as by their very nature the beam is targeted at the plates and also so that the car can be identified from pic taken. As others have said on previous threads the only proven way to beat the laser is using a jammer which is illegal. Reading the blurb on the latest lasers being used they can tell if a jammer or 'parking assist' is being used and are likely to stop you and if caught that means a ban and a very hefty fine.
  13. OK just had re-thought - I think you have the DRM spacers and you will need a special tool that unlocks the 'nuts' (not collars) on the original studs - rather like a locking wheel nut. Might need to contact one of the specialist accessory outfits to help you out.
  14. This might help, although it is for Rays http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... +refurbish
  15. Spot on, your contract is with Nissan - end of +1 Your only problem is will Nissan recognize your car as one of theirs with all the bits and changes you have done
  16. Sorry to say but on that basis I think you are surviving on borrowed time, in Surrey we see them 'hide' the vans round corners behind hedges etc so that by the time you see them, or the laser picks up the signal, you over the limit you are done. Also, how to you expect to avoid the rear detections - when they are on bridge you have just passed under and its width means you can't see them standing on the far side When you feel the need to 'exercise the right foot' just make sure, as far as you can, it is on a road where the chances of detection are remote.
  17. It what you wear under the kilt, or not, that really matters
  18. Have a really great day and congratulations to you both What's your wedding present to each other - is it the trackday ZED you have been promising yourselves - some good bargains out there now
  19. I'm really really really looking forward to seing pics of the different fuels
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