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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Typical Grandad behaviour - getting all confused (Coming from one who knows )
  2. Given what Adam has said and the host of electrical add-ons you have the poor battery has had a hard time and is perhaps calling it a day?? Way back (before ECU's and the like came along) I remember a frayed earthing strap (not broken) from the engine to the chassis being the culprit of cutting out. So Adam's other suggestion may also be worth thoroughly checking
  3. That you're old! Just kidding. I love a bit of bread and butter pudding! He said Bread Pudding! Not that namby-pamby, lightweight, Bread and Butter Pudding. Bread Pudding is the *real* thing. You can use it as a doorstop until hunger takes over...... Perhaps the Scots can't stomach the real thing What is hardcore bread pudding then? I have never had it. I had buttries for breakfast though so I bet I could handle it! Where's the expert cake man Stanski when you need him
  4. customer just asked me for a set of those today so will take them off your hands if you like. what a result
  5. Anyone know how I can delete old contacts from the prompt menu when sending new messages? A number of my contacts have changed their e-mail accounts but although I have changed the 'properties' lists the prompt box always seems to offer an old out-of-date address and that it is usually listed before the current one that I do not always remember. I know I can disable the prompt but I would rather delete the unwanted addresses for speed reasons. Thanks
  6. No prizes for you Sarnie, option 3 it is good result - let us know how you get on Zummertor
  7. That you're old! Just kidding. I love a bit of bread and butter pudding! He said Bread Pudding! Not that namby-pamby, lightweight, Bread and Butter Pudding. Bread Pudding is the *real* thing. You can use it as a doorstop until hunger takes over...... Perhaps the Scots can't stomach the real thing
  8. Always have a camera in the car (if you don't use your phone camera just keep one of the throw-away types in the car) and get photos of the scene from various angles before anything is moved if possible, particuarly if there are no independent witness's about. Usually helps stop the sort of thing madmarky had to put up with when the culprits start thinking up ideas of passing the blame
  9. http://www.i4detailing.co.uk/ There you go - loads of pics on the detailer's site edited - link corrected
  10. Just got some products from i4detailing.co.uk - Matt is a very helpful guy who has recently set up his business just outside Lingfield and surprise, surprise is a bit of a petrolhead. The Clio you see in the pics has been pedalled round the 'Ring and used on various track days - his only complaint being that the business is limiting those activities at the moment. Speak nicely and I am sure a discount will be offered - I was very pleased with the amount and quality of the goods I got for around £60. Yeah, yeah, and before anyone points it out I know the ZED needs cleaning, when the bloody weather gives me a chance - not having a garage is a pain . Might even something new on the car to show off soon though
  11. I'm a bread pudding man so what does that say about me
  12. can we get back to comparing ZED looks rather than your own
  13. Have a look at this - similar probs over the pond http://x.nissanhelp.com/forums/latest-u ... 088-a.html So far my Dec 06 ZED has used about a litre of oil in 9000 miles so I can't complain I did run it in from new 'to the letter'. I've always have doubts about press and demo cars which have most likely have been caned from day 1 and that will not help longevity.
  14. TSBs can be found at http://x.nissanhelp.com/forums/Knowledgebase/links/253 need to register but if you enter the 2003 model range and then 'squeak' you should be allowed to open the pdf file (one free go a day)
  15. Just the one - here's a favourite Pic of Theo at 6 months - every inch a potential ZED enthusiast .
  16. I agree Heidfeld had a good race with some good overtaking moves but that was partly down to the poor tyre choice of others. When you compare his performance against Kubica in previous races he is clearly not in the same league - remember how Coulthard could not seem to get a quick single lap in for a long time at McLaren and that is Heidfeld's biggest 'achiles heel' - perhaps he does not have that natural ability Hamilton has to know the limits of grip in all conditions? As GC350z says, Massa had an appalling race - might have been a car set-up issue but he looked a complete novice - perhaps he is the opposite to Heidfeld - can get the most out of the car when it is dry but in the wet, and without traction control, he is literally all at sea! Yeah, sometimes the 'limit' catches out the very best and in the windy conditions on Saturday that included Hamilton as well, aggravated by a turn in a couple of metres too early to throw him off line to lose mehanical (as well well as 'aero' grip) to send him off line and not get pole. But then to nearly steal the lead on the first corner in the race and hassle his team mate for several laps who had to pit for fuel first, showed that Lewis is in a different league. Hats off to him.
  17. from one grandad to another many congratulations - what's his name, little Phil
  18. +1 Establish what parts they say are required and get a second opinion from one of the parts suppliers on this forum/ESR. Having already replaced the switch if it is the BCM module that is one very expensive unit.
  19. mbs: If you must put the zimmers forward please at least do the honourable thing and post up one with wheels on it
  20. = a very expensive engine rebuild - if respected tuners have indicated 400bhp is the absolute max without the internals been uprated then be prepared
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