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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Get her along on the Hoon Stew so we can check her out Opps, forgot the wife will be with me
  2. I would have said more of a GRANDFATHER figure Sorry Martin couldn't resist Whats this - you trying to turn away business - anyways shouldn't be rude to a 'relative' youngun compared to us
  3. If the engine light is on it indicates you either have de cat pipes as opposed to high flows or that a lambda is malfunctioning. Looking at the pipe section does not always give an indication of having cats on the car as some of the decat pipes have a resonator section which looks very similar to the untrained eye as a cat. Looks like you need to crawl under the car with a camera
  4. Fully deserved with all the hard work you have done on behalf of so many members to date. No doubt you will give a gentle 'tug' to those who step out of line
  5. Tell you what Dave, if you are prepared to reveal your stand-in to Sarnie, ask him to reveal his stand-in to you and all of us on here
  6. **** poor parking Aww... come on Beavis, at least Z boy got some pics for us Why have you not seen it before Colin? You really must get down to spec-savers And not too sure what your laughing at Digsy, may be you parked this. You didn't mention which car (or maybe you meant both)
  7. **** poor parking Aww... come on Beavis, at least Z boy got some pics for us
  8. Sorry to hear your latest news - gutted for you. Presumably you have tried the sources that PURE posted up on the second page of this thread? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ht=#210544 Or, hope Phil's recommendation helps out. Good luck - time you had some
  9. ....to buy your own ZED and stop poncing lifts off everyone here Only kidding mate, your pics are and hope the 3 pager leads to loads more work for you
  10. ...or do you mean 'fit for purpose'
  11. On the right hand end of tool bar line with the heading, as the poster you should see an edit button it was your posting - click on that and change title/thread contents as you please Or, one of the mods can do it for you....... but they don't 'alf charge
  12. +1 The craft is getting to the limit without the TC getting bothered - Jenson Button demonstrated the art with the previous years F1 cars when TC was allowed - rarely did you hear his TC kick in it is just a shame his management messed up his career early on and has not allowed him to show his true potential with a top team. Of course, if you have gone out to, er, indulge in some doughnuts or taking in the scenery from the side windows just make sure you don't end up cleaning the headlamps instead.
  13. It deserves a good home - not many around to that standard and with Honda build quality a good long term investment, and nearly as much fun as a ZED Good luck with the sale
  14. It's helpful posts like this that make this site so special! Shortarse Jim (5' 6")
  15. And thats why some don't need to lower their cars once the ballast is shoe-horned in me included mind you, at least i don't need leg extensions like toffeeman
  16. Sorry you have to let the ZED go, but time moves on but many thanks for the hard work you have put in and the NW run IS one of the big success stories of this forum, so thanks for what you set up and we'l keep an eye on Beavis so he keeps the standards up Was that all three strands
  17. ......................................at about 20mph
  18. The Lumix seems to an excellent value camera - write up here if anyone is interested: http://reviews.digitaltrends.com/review ... fz7-review
  19. That's cos you focused on the magazine below............... What Lumix is Liz using Martin?
  20. There you go http://www.britishmotorshow.co.uk/whats ... experience
  21. Quite happy with my 1, wouldn't want another
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