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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. So the roadster will be seeing more action this year.......but surely not with the roof up, or you looking to shave a tenth or more off your best lap time that I guess with the roof up would offer, irrespective of other performance upgrades?
  2. Long way from home Alex.....so was the roadster treated to some road miles or was it trailered?
  3. An update on this one? http://www.350z-uk.c...2-almost-there/
  4. I also remember Beavis's ant trying to get out of his avatar
  5. Thought we were going to see a Tokyo drift..........
  6. Have you tested the alarm? As we have had reports of 370 alarms going off for no apparent reason and it may be the previous owner to stop it working when it shouldn't (if that makes sense!) So maybe your car is not 'protected' as you would expect
  7. I use this - never answer a number I don't know - if they are possibly genuine they will leave a voicemail or send a text. Last spam call I had: [url="http://who-called.co.uk/Number/07768822387"]http://who-called.co...ber/07768822387[/url]
  8. Not sure how old this ad is, but the door looks OK [url="http://www.pic-upspares.co.uk/breakingDetails.asp?vid=43142"]http://www.pic-upspa...s.asp?vid=43142[/url]
  9. Interesting.....but there is a but......many of us would love(d) many of the options listed, but when it comes down to the real world so would be kinda nice to say upgrades in total up to, say, £1k; up to £5k; up to £10k and finally no limit Just a thought.....
  10. And I answered the question in that post. Sorry, not a thread I have chosen to follow. Just my attention being drawn to the question to me and to deal with a report, but Lexx stepped in first to deal with it.
  11. Glad you got there in the end without breaking the laptop
  12. Safari works OK for me but Chrome seems to work well for most, so as suggested above - try another browser.
  13. There is no limit on individual pic sizes if you are using a picture hosting site. The thumbnail option (and pic size limit) is simply to restrict the amount of bandwidth used on the forum. As I mentioned in the pm, you sure you not got a private setting on your laptop or PB that is stopping things?
  14. See post No.37 on this thread - and by all means quote the many members listed on the thread who have had the work carried out
  15. pm me the PB link you are trying to use and I'll see if I can get it to work
  16. Ebized


    Answer is here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_350Z
  17. Oh yes - the biggest being not leaving Council employ and working for myself sooner! I would have been able to afford Astons and Porsches then
  18. It's likely to be the cold weather. It was more obvious for me with the 370 geometry. Certainly if you only notice this when the car is first used after being parked up for a while and definitely during the winter. Basically the 'summer tyres' we use need to warm up to allow the tread to flex, as designed with the compound used.
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