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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Your Nismo wheels were supplied for the 350s but they do fit the 370's. As long as you use the tapered style of nut with those wheels you are fine. Do NOT use the flat bottom/washered style that are specifically for the 370 wheels. Having seen the nuts ZMANALEX supplied I recall these were supplied with with the LMGT4's although the standard 350 OEM nuts do fit, iirc. The longer version are better though so that there is less chance of your socket slipping off and damaging the nut recess's on the wheels - but I taped my sockets as an added preventative to avoid damage as the recess diameter is very restricted on the LMGT4's.
  2. As you are using the LMGT4 rims (for the 350's), you are using the correct nuts. I used these rims on my 370 for a short while with the 350 nuts. Had you been using the 370 Nismo rims then yes, you should be using the nuts as Sipar has linked.
  3. Good to hear a dealer has pulled the stops out - it is that sort of customer care that owners will remember when they need sometthing. And that Westover continue to get good feedback: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/6183-dealership-praises-and-woes-now-inc-independants/
  4. Wait... you can keep up with Colin?!? Ask Ken about how he found his little drive in the A45 up there
  5. No synchro rev match, so But you get a spare wheel At the right price and for someone who wants low mileage and a relatively rare colour and maybe for modding or track, it might appeal
  6. Not as good as the Samsung option though where you can also block the first (or last) few numbers when you get these ppi and whatever either ringing from the same area code or using various numbers but that finish with the same few numbers at the end - came in very handy, I found.
  7. Thread link here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/104333-really-need-advice-update/
  8. Ebized

    MPS4 or MPSS

    If you are putting arguably the best road tyre only on the front and keeping (what I presume) are part worn budget tyres on the rear that ditch is quite likely to be found sooner rather than later. You will have so much grip on the front end giving you confidence to push into the corners that the rear will lose traction so much sooner. For the sake of a few hundred quid, don't risk it.
  9. Ebized

    MPS4 or MPSS

    Michelin said to EVO that the MPSS will only continue in OEM sizes. So if there's a car that came with the MPSS from the factory that happens to have the same size tyres you want to use then great, if not then time to move on. EVO are normally pretty good at things like that, I'd be tempted to take their word. But according to that link in Haydn's post I read that as the MPSS is still being kept for performance focused cars, so to me the MPS4 is for mainstream cars.....just hope it gets better reviews than the MPS3.
  10. Ebized

    MPS4 or MPSS

    When you have the MPSS it will be like night and day compared to the 040's - believe me as having had both it will be like driving a different car with the confidence the MPSS give in both the dry and wet. But please do replace all 4 at the same time otherwise you find the handling is likely to be all over the place.
  11. As at May 2015 "Ken" on here who is the GT4 registrar had not heard of a GT4 engine having had the same oil issue as the "rev-up" engines introduced in 2006. Although, for all intents and purposes, they are same engine I gather that the pistons/rings used in the GT4 were different to those used in the later rev-up engines as different tolerances had been used. As you have involved Abbey I am sure they can verify, or otherwise, that information but the fact there has been an absence of reported issues with the GT4 engine seemed to indicate they might be more durable. Of course a lot depends on how they were maintained and driven and of course the dreaded dipstick design has not been helpful whilst if sub 98octane fuel has been regularly used and the engine asked to regularly pull over 5k revs that is helpful for engine longevity. Did Abbey do a compression tests and/or use a boroscope to check for bore wear, as I'm clear what you are saying they checked? Maybe a written report from them that you can send the supplying dealeras to what they found would help your case.
  12. Your kind comments appreciated , but just to correct a little. I signed up on the forum in Feb 2006, just a couple of months after the forum started. I have 'only' been a mod since August 2009 and it has been a great experience working with like-minded members passionate about the Zed. But now I am Zedless and unlikely to own another (well 3 I think is better than average ) and in consequence not attending events like I used to up and down the country, it was time to make way for someone who can be more active than me. I bought my first Zed, as back in 2004/5 they were THE driver's car to have. It was with a very heavy heart after nearly 9 years of Zed ownership and what I estimate to be some 14000 miles driven of forum related events, including the excuse for numerous recces I had to accept that it was time to grow up and be a proper grandfather and take them out in a car that I could also enjoy when the circumstances permit.... Would I have another Zed - you bet your life I would but unfortunately you can't turn the clock back when life introduces other priorities. But I'll be hanging around and continue to help those new to Zed ownership, when I can.
  13. No, just the one - this is where the traders are most likely to look, rather than scanning individual members threads. Of course you can always pm individual Pro traders direct if you wish
  14. Try putting an ask here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/93-professional-traders/
  15. Looks like our new trader has one for sale: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item41a4f994c3 Suggest you pm Jon http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106123-350z-parts-for-sale/
  16. Ah! As you have just changed the bonnet perhaps the new carbon one is either not pressing the switch down completely or maybe the lesser weight is having an effect when the wind blows and triggers the switch?
  17. Colin, your not supposed to tell people he attends AA..... No, not yours mate......this time
  18. Didn't you know, he is our regular AA man
  19. OK you two, you had your bicker over the last few posts now give it a rest please.
  20. I see what you did there..... Maybe it should have been: 7 Hope you have enjoyed your day and a few evening drams to nicely finish it off
  21. They use ANPR cameras at the entry/exit. But if you stopped for health reasons that went over 2 hours........... This might help as we wouldn't want our one and only Beavis to get mixed up with this now would we http://www.honestjoh...king-penalties/
  22. Locking this given the OP is sorted - and before we are all sent back to school
  23. DE without question - some were registered as late as 2010. This should help with posting pics: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103493-how-to-add-your-photos-to-the-forum/
  24. Seen a few of these threads in the ten years I have been on the forum, one of which included a poll of age groups. I seem to recall members in their twenties was the top bracket but a surprisingly high distribution through most of the age groups with the fifties (mid-life-crisies ) being high up. I guess I was a little slow on the take up...............but then in my twenties you were lucky to afford a second-hand Mini and only the relatively 'wealthy' in terms of a sports car could aspire to something like a MG midget. Then mating came along and the obsession with owning your home so that it wasn't until mortgages and university fees/lodging for the kids were paid most of my generation could think of enjoying cars/bikes that were dreams in our twenties. Puts violin away
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