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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. One previous owner = 2 owners. Keep up you auld git. Struggling when the the ad (no longer showing) said under the heading "Previous Owners" and the answer was 1, knowing Kenny & Dawn's ownership and then brians25, so in my book that that car had 2 owners we know of. Anyways, I'm sure it was still a great buy.
  2. Great opportunity for someone - GLWS rickdon - a very fair price indeed!
  3. This is the official Nissan recall detail in P3208: Reference: NTB13-014 Date: March 7, 2013 VOLUNTARY SERVICE CAMPAIGN 2009 – 2011 STEERING LOCK UNIT CAMPAIGN ID #: APPLIED VEHICLES: 2009 – 2010 370Z (Z34) INTRODUCTION P3208 2009 – 2011 GTR (R35) Check Service COMM to confirm campaign eligibility. Nissan is conducting a Voluntary Service Campaign to replace the steering lock assembly on certain specific 2009 – 2010 model year 370Z and 2009 – 2011 model year GTR vehicles due to excessive oil within the assembly, which could cause the Body Control Module (BCM) to prevent the engine from starting when the ignition is cycled. This issue does not affect steering or engine operation when the vehicle is already running. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Nissan has assigned identification number P3208 to this campaign. This number must appear on all communications and documentation of any nature dealing with this campaign. DEALER RESPONSIBILITY Dealers are to repair vehicles falling within range of this campaign that enter the service department. This includes vehicles purchased from private parties, vehicles presented by transient (tourists) owners, and vehicles in a dealer’s inventory Nissan Bulletins are intended for use by qualified technicians, not 'do-it-yourselfers'. Qualified technicians are properly trained individuals who have the equipment, tools, safety instruction, and know-how to do a job properly and safely. NOTE: If you believe that a described condition may apply to a particular vehicle, DO NOT assume that it does. See your Nissan dealer to determine if this applies to your vehicle. Present this to the dealer/customer services and see if they still deny its existence!
  4. He is a member trader, hence the absence of a dedicated sub forum.
  5. Pics of the car when Kenny & dawn owned it: http://www.350z-uk.c...sterdays-drive/ And it was bought by another member on here brians25: http://www.350z-uk.c...50z-twin-turbo/ So the current for sale ad suggesting only one owner is clearly wrong.
  6. Bloody ridiculous building a single skin brickwork wall that high in a relatively exposed position, even if it included piers.
  7. Is the 458 driver a regular at Knockhill - if not I bet he was a bit peed off a Datsun driven by an old git got the better of him Certainly a better way to spend Easter than clearing up after Katie darn sarf
  8. One of the ultimate Zeds I'm sure many on here would love to own, so expect this thread to become very popular! Car is stunning and looking forward to hearing more about it in due course and hopefully seeing it in the flesh
  9. I did not know Graham and Alex were only 45 . . they look older Cheeky whipper-snapper
  10. Off to the Italian event at Horsham tomorrow - lots of Ferraris etc and after over the weekend its pulling the kitchen apart for a refit and hopefully my design for the new one all works out over the next couple of weeks.
  11. Here's a thought - Alex, Graham and me combined ages knocking on 200 :scare:
  12. Ebized


    Enjoyed that!
  13. See here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/9151-which-phones-are-compatible-with-the-bluetooth-adaptor/page__hl__bluetooth But does seem many of the latest phones may not work fully.....
  14. Like the B & W pics - or maybe they should be sepia No seriously, thanks for sharing and made me look for some links of the incidents: http://www.telegraph...goodwood-crash/ http://www.autoevolu...ful-105724.html
  15. So close now Andy - the Phoenix will soon be leaving the ashes with all that hard work & money that the dreaded Zeditus incurs!
  16. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/11639-www350z-ukcom-car-stickers/ pm MY13KYF for availability - but they are free after 350 posts on here Pfft I never got a free one Ask!!
  17. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/11639-www350z-ukcom-car-stickers/ pm MY13KYF for availability - but they are free after 350 posts on here
  18. Welcome and just add your name to the list here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106592-ace-cafe-london-350z-uk-meet-sat-7th-may-6pm-10pm/
  19. Always remember the same issue on one of the Wales weekends when someone with a lot of Zed experience managed to do the same on Wasso's car with those coils - egg on face time, but gave us a lot of laughs then and still does. Sure someone will have a pic of that epic occasion.
  20. Yes ^^^ amazing work to help ensure many Zed owners benefit from the experience of Chris and the team, notwithstanding sad personal setbacks. And of course it wouldn't be where it is without the boss!
  21. Came across this recently - WD40 has a lot to answer for! http://www.lifehacke...rful-uses-wd-40
  22. Well, we know you are "here" Papa but his avatar says he is over there.... Tapatalk, eh? But would be good if someone nearby can recommend somewhere
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