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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Have a good one Pete - hope you have had the opportunity for a nice drive in the Zed today
  2. Forgot about that - good point
  3. You mention new rear tyres, but what are the front tyres like? As others are saying the geo check should help but just make sure the tyre pressures are correct (35psi cold is the book recommendation) given you mention the issue is worse when the tyres are cold/conditions are wet. Worth checking as that cost you nothing.
  4. Getting on for 26k views on this build, and if most are like me - just gob-smacked at what you putting together, with the exhaust set-up being the latest example of your skills and ingenunity. Anything but boring - hats off to you!
  5. Or, if you are "viewing new content" simply click on latest post where it says the day/time posted and that takes you to the last post.
  6. Fully agree - I recall cases of those who paid before Nissan accepted there was an issue and had their costs refunded.
  7. The really expensive bit will be what the Council charges for replacing the lampost I suspect......
  8. See Zmanalex's post No.15 here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106609-help-required-overheating-in-traffic-cold-air-in-cabin/page__hl__%2Bwater+%2Bpump
  9. PM Zmanalex - hopefully he might have the answer then
  10. Did it start OK before you did the sump leak? If so, can't help feeling you may have lost the engine earth connection to the chassis. I have experienced that issue when the earth cable had basically part-rotted and movement eventually lost its effectiveness.
  11. Welcome.....but you have broken the No.1 rule -
  12. Impressive! Excellent write-up and photos. Look forward to hearing how it performs.
  13. Yes, good to get back to 2015 qualifying after the first two races shamble and the first two thirds of the race had plenty of action and amazingly although there were various incidents unusual there were no retirements. Felt sorry for Riccardo to get the puncture when he did - he certainly has the talent to mix it at the front given the right machinery. Vettel was whinging about nothing on the opening lap - the Russian did not even hit him - Seb saving face in front of the Ferrari boss more like.... At least it looks like Honda are slowly getting their engines to work, but ironic the the only point the team has was earned by the sub
  14. You can always quote the relative horsepower costs - bet her one horse will cost a whole lot more than your 500 horses or so - so much better value for money
  15. and ask him if he can identify the likely cause from your vids. Better, if you could get to his garage near Perth I'm sure he would get to the bottom of what is going on.
  16. With all the DIY stuff I have been doing the Makita SDS hammer drill + range of bits/chisels has been an absolute Godsend, just eats the hardest bricks/concrete like they were marshmallow.
  17. As they can be made into homes, adapting to a garage should be a piece of cake if you bought one and had the space ! http://www.itv.com/n...kes-ideal-home/
  18. Damn trouser pockets are never deep enough
  19. That is rather like saying the telegraph is still the best means of communication......honestly the MPSS are night and day compared to the 'Stones' on the Zeds.
  20. Sad news - you must be real and truly gutted Glad you got an OK deal on the insurance and hope that does not affect what you have to pay on your future ride too much....so what is it to be?
  21. Nice intro and thanks for the info on the restoration projects - have to say I have never heard of a Lancia Ardea, but like the interest you have the Integrale is something is very special and an appreciating asset nowadays - and that rebuild looks ace
  22. Could be, if the two car drivers were working together by braking hard to catch out the camera vehicle, given the way the first car made such a late turn - maybe deliberately?
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