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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Try Sarnie http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/18521-mortgage-advice-life-insurance/
  2. The 'authority' is not the yellow lines, but what it says on the attendant signs in the road. Common place for cars to park on speed bumps where there are no parking restrictions. In the case above if a Smart car fits (even parked at 90degrees to the kerb) and the attendant signs do not say the parking restrictions also apply to the speed humps, then theoreticallyI consider it would be lawful unless the Police decided an obstruction was being caused.....
  3. Does that mean you might be telling us something soon.......
  4. ADG Sevenoaks. I don't know what next but I want something that gives a sense of excitement one way or another. Cant afford to do anything for now. TVR Tuscan!! :-) The most exciting car I've ever driven can you post anything without the words TVR in it :lol: Can we apply that request to those buying Jags too
  5. pm Sarnie that's his business http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/18521-mortgage-advice-life-insurance/
  6. Having read that saga in the link Haydn has posted then it looks like the OP might well have a good case against DPD, as throwing any parcel over 6ft gates that does not state it is OK to do that, has the potential for damage. But would be worth verifying with the rail returns office whether they put any warning on the parcel about it being handled with care.
  7. Action is against the train company. They knew is was an item that was potentially vulnerable to damage, or indeed theft, and should have taken appropriate steps to cover for such eventuality. Were you asked for any additional payment for damage/loss and/or packaging by them returning it via third party (DPD in this case)? If not then a small claims court action I would suggest.
  8. With that comment I have highlighted surely a head gasket, or crack?
  9. It's the groovy new internet thing for new Top Gear - http://www.bbc.co.uk...-gear-episode-1 That is a whole lot better for me, as the 'new' TG 1 was a definite
  10. Credit to you for all the work and not least the expense to get the car back to where it was and with some tasteful updates - bet you must be itching ( and no doubt a little apprehensive) to get back on the tracks/hills. Enjoy!
  11. The real killer for me is the insurance I have paid out over 50 years and only made one claim for windscreen glass.... ....oh, the number of handbags I have bought to buy off the other 'alf each time I changed cars And on the cars themselves, I dread to think and to save worrying about that I haven't kept records so not sure how many hundreds of thousands
  12. If you are anywhere near Marcus - Disc Skimmers - click on his signature above, he will sort out your discs. Did a supurb job on my 370 discs after sub-standard spacers warped them, and many good feedbacks from members on here about his services.
  13. If your grass is rutted and ruined and you have to re-seed and want a really solid base then this is another option: http://www.grasscrete.com/docs/paving/
  14. Not sure if your 370 is still under warranty or not, but if it is certainly get it checked at a dealer as it sounds like a software issue. Otherwise, not sure of Indy's in your area but if you were in the South East I'm quite sure Sly at Kaizer Motors near Rochester would sort it for you.
  15. Halfords - RainX products - buy one get one free: http://www.halfords....repellent-500ml Homebase 'wheel cleaning brush' (advertised for cleaning garden items) @ £2.49 and good quality - a whole lot cheaper than the EZ brushes I have been buying for some £15: http://www.homebase....ng-brush-257551
  16. Yeah, Buster's Zed at the Ace Cafe - hope he is getting promo money for displaying the spoiler
  17. Credit to you Commander for the action you took, and hope the cyclist fully recovers. Not the greatest start towards enjoying the Tuscan. No indication from the Golf driver or others on the scene, as to why he swerved?
  18. Bloody hell, you could have had a couple more cylinders from the Jag option list
  19. Check out this pinned thread: http://www.350z-uk.c...roming-warning/ In particular see link in post 10 - but also Zmanalex points out in that thread if the powder coating (heat process) is done correctly, and noting he has used PC GT4 rims on track, then rim failures can be avoided. Sadly it seems that all too often the work has been done by those not skilled enough to know what they are doing......
  20. Surprise, Surprise, neither the tel no nor the email will get you to the Central Bank of Nigeria but as you want to now more Hugh: http://www.419scam.org/419scam.htm
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