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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Amazed this has not sold. Enjoyed several drives with Andy when I had my 370 and can vouch his right foot was far more respectful than mine and he kept it in beautiful condition. Lots of history on the forum to verify how well he loved and looked after his pride & joy so the current price makes it a fantastic buy as you can expect a dealer to add a couple of grand (or more) if they get their hands on it if someone reading this thread with 370 aspirations for a quality GT Edition does not get in first for a great opportunity.
  2. Yes Dan they do - I had one that clipped on the A pillar. No holes or sticky stuff.
  3. I am no CE fan, but it wholly wrong that such investigations are revealed before evidence is confirmed to justify an arrest, let alone the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Who knows it might be another Cliff Richard debacle, but the media justs loves to presume guilty until proved innocent - how would we like that to happen to any of us knowing we were totally innocent that could (and does) ruin lives?
  4. Bloody nicked the idea from Husky's version of the forum
  5. Thanks for sharing - fair range of some very nice cars there
  6. Great stuff - sounds good and nice drifts Hope the little off you mention was nothing too serious.
  7. Have not commented on this thread before now but like I sense with most voters June & I fence sat with the head IN and the heart OUT. So we had a a little family get-to-gether last weekend and asked my two sons and their partners what they were doing and all four (in their twenties/thirties) said IN. And yes, I was following the poll on this thread and quite surprised to see the majority were for OUT, given that previous threads on this forum over the last 10 years I been a member have indicated most ZED owners were in their twenties and thirties. Unlike most others we know around our ages (sixties) who had indicated they were OUT we decided as this vote was about the future we would vote IN to support those closest to us and turn our grandchildren. Quite honestly I cannot see how anyone or group can predict what is going to happen now and not only was I de-motivated by the majority of political rantings leading to the vote, I was also certainly not impressed by the media bandwagon cherry-picking as to what was best. But then I found the differing thoughts by those in business did not help the understanding either. So we both voted in IN to support our family. Have to say the thought of Trump, Putin and Boris getting on and having their fingers on THE buttons did not help So, as I heard someone say on the radio, time for the British spirit to rise to the new 'Challenge' (I hate that PC term) but we really do need some political backbone to steer us to the better times the majority in this country have voted for. Oh, and am I the only one who could see Nicola Sturgeon rubbing her hands at the outcome to give greater cause for another referendum for the Scots? Maybe us Brits who didn't get our way on Thursday ought to start asking for another referendum on the EU but this time instead of just IN or OUT add a box that says IN, SUBJECT TO A BETTER DEAL FOR US BRITS.
  8. I get this so maybe that is your issue? Enable Cookies Please accept third party cookies to use the site. Enable Javascript Please enable Javascript in your browser to get user friendly browsing.
  9. Not be mentioned on this thread but there is an excellent repair guide in pdf form so you can print it off - see first post here: http://www.350z-uk.c...ic-windows-pdf/ Maybe it could be pinned Mods, given the ageing process is is taking an increasing toll on window motors?
  10. If you would add your £20 to the Just Giving page I'll get Mitz to send you the service kit - but he will need your address of course https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/MrsNiki
  11. Less than 8 hours to go to bag a cheap PI service kit and support a very worthy cause at the same time.
  12. Which part of the A24 south of Dorking as it has a 50mph limit on all the dual carriageway from Holmwood to the roundabout with the A29 at Beare Green and then just a 2.5 mile section onto Clarks Green has the 70mph limit?
  13. Full info here about spare wheel fitment on a 370: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/33079-can-you-use-a-350-spacesaver-wheel-on-a-370/
  14. .......if your bid wins! I won the prize donated by Cougar Store: P1 service kit (Motul oil, genuine filter, crush washer) suitable for 350z and 370z. (Post No.30: http://www.350z-uk.c...12/page__st__20 ) But not having a ZED now , best it goes to someone on here who can make use of it all The idea to auction it has been agreed by MrsNiki, Mitz @ the Cougar Store and the forum Team. So the winner making the highest bid would donate to the same Charity that MrsNiki arranged for the recent Peaks District weekend (in case anyone seeing this post is not aware of the background) when: "The aim is to raise as much money as possible for our charity of the year, and this one will be close to the hearts of many, if not all of us… The forum admin/mods kindly reached out to Martin MacDonald’s wife and family on behalf of the forum to select the charity this year in memory of Martin. Liz and family have chosen the St Mary’s hospice in Ulverston ( http://www.stmaryshospice.org.uk/ )." The Just Giving link for the chosen Charity can be see here: https://www.justgiving.com/MrsNiki Given the cause, I am setting a reserve of £20. Bids in pounds/multiple of pounds only on this thread. Bidding closes Sunday 19th June at 8pm. Please, no spam - just your bids if interested. Thanks. Good luck
  15. Guessing the dining room is single storey and seeing the stairs to the rear of the lounge, the wall between those two walls will be structural. No reason in theory though why they can't be knocked into one with a steel over the opening although you will need a structural engineer to do the calcs and advise as to what support is needed at each end. It would need approval from the local Council in England under the Building Regs, but given the principle is a goer not something you need to worry about until you have got the house bought But you may wish to check the garage conversion was carried out to include the proper insulation and damp proof course as often they will not be built in the first place with that provision. Get a survey done by a Chartered Surveyor and ask him to check that conversion in particular.
  16. ChrisS is our resident jetski expert on here (just blowing his trumpet there )
  17. I checked the 350 parts for sale sub-forum before I posted above but see it is in the the 'for sale' general section? GLWS though
  18. Patience - Mods will get to check your ad as soon as tey can.
  19. Yes much better - more the TG of old without the stupid stunts but you have to admire Ken Block's skills and it didn't look on this occasion, by the absence of laid rubber, that he had full blast test runs.
  20. And rear Brembos wanted here, if Bradders still needs them http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/109110-rear-brembo-calipers/
  21. Goodness! Exposing your pride and joy for the world to see complete with incontinence container...... Hope all goes well to give you serious poke
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