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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. I still miss the 370, despite two great years with the A45. Trouble is there are are many good cars out there these days, but the 370 was by far the best driver's car I have experienced.....very closely followed by the 350s
  2. Intrigued and bored (and 99% IT illiterate ) so did a google - maybe the answer in this link helps http://apple.stackex...ificate-revoked
  3. Ebized


    But don't wrap the content, there's a good fella
  4. Love those roads from many ZED drives Oh, the memories
  5. Hope you had a good one Super Stud, what with all the forum stuff you do along with coping with those twins you have a habit of producing! í ½í¸†
  6. Glad you got it sorted Josh You surprise me Dan saying that as there have been many posts in the past about the need the brake fluid to be kept fully topped up to stop dash light warnings, on both the 350s and the 370s.
  7. Good to hear that news You might wish to consider the fuse pull/blown once the new lock has been fitted as it has been reported that replacements have failed and as the 370's post the build date of yours do not have the lock fitted anyway (I wonder why ) so you do not have all that incoveinence again.
  8. Great result in less than easy conditions - congrtaulations
  9. Some good info on the Nismo differences here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/88796-370z-nismo/
  10. Clearly not genuine so maybe the thread title can be amended to warn of this scam.
  11. No issue for Sarnie - makes a change from Orange http://www.350z-uk.c...6-the-gallardo/
  12. http://www.350z-uk.c...in-ps4s-review/
  13. Did you check the brake fluid - 350 and 370 do seem to require it to be kept up the full mark? Otherwise, I wonder if you pulled the relevant fuse(s) and replaced to see if that clears the 'faults'.
  14. Sorry to hear that news and sounds like you have been relatively lucky given the damage seen in the vid.
  15. I really cannot believe even the worst tyre fitter would damage an abs sensor simply taking wheels off and puttting them on again. Have you checked the tyre pressures on all 4 tyres? And you say plenty of tread left on the rears, but how much? How many miles have you done with the Goodyears fitted? Have you had a 4 wheel alignment done? They are two makes of tyres with different construction and compounds and the way the roads are remaining greasy at the current time I can tell you that even having one of the best cars made for traction/grip on 1000mile old MPSS, I'm spinning the wheels a lot more easily these days.í ½í¸„
  16. Esculate it to the Nissan CEO info from list of CEOs in UK, and don't forget to mention that you had been minded to buy a Nismo 370. http://www.ceoemail.com/s.php?id=ceo-8976&k=5889b2f2&c=Nissan%20UK%20Managing%20Director
  17. The facelift coupe was introduced in 2013 and the roadster in 2014 iirc. The example, if genuine and sound, seems like a an extremely good buy - even at the advertised price.
  18. Interesting and reasonably objective review, although I would be more interested in what independents this side of the pond have to say.
  19. I'm sure the team would be very grateful of a generous donation to increase the bandwidth, but trust you have very deep pockets for that to happen
  20. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/103493-how-to-add-your-photos-to-the-forum/
  21. Well it is only for the rich, who can afford to buy a toy for track use. "This car can not be used on public roads or be registered for such a license."
  22. Quite sure you have answered your own question as to the cause and that is not knowing what tyres you ahve on the rear and how worn they are.
  23. Such a lot of wiring for such a little car And to think I had a few passenger laps before all those little, er issues, were found (But was fecking awesome and would do it again )
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