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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Not sure if this helps - it would put me off!! http://www.the370z.com/diy-section-do-yourself/121549-diy-dash-pad-removal.html
  2. Be fair Alex, he has had a name and car change in the process
  3. Fthis link help? http://forums.superherohype.com/showthread.php?p=24416895 and a few pics on google images.
  4. SuperStu - one of each Grumpyoldjanner - one of each Veeg33 - one of each Kev T - wall calender Paul K - one of each E11TUf - wall calendar Rob350 - one of each pintopete58 - wall calendar andy james - wall Calendar Andy_Muxlow - wall Calendar Cob1980 - wall Calender MBS - Two wall and one desk Humpy - 1 x wall calendar wvSTUwv - wall calendar eatonm90 - 1 x wall calendar silkygun - Wall calendar jay84 - one of each Lyndzz - 1 x wall calendar Mark123 - 1 x wall calendar Woodzman - 1 wall calendar Mikeyazure - 1x wall calendar please. Rothers2901 - 2 x wall calendars AW11mike - 1x wall slipstream -1 x wall calendar Ebized - 1 x desk calendar please
  5. As someone who has to put up with the daily reminder of local pigeons, their contribution to life seems limited three four letter words all beginning with F come to mind. They FEED, FOUL and the third won't get past the swear filter.......and in any random order! Plenty of other bird life around and great to see but could also do without the gulls but at least we never see them in the trees that overhang our garden.
  6. Wow, really sorry to hear about the fire and your need for temporary lodgings and hope that does not affect your sale. Presume no-one was hurt, at least physically, but with the move and time of the year that can't be easy to deal with....... Life changes big-time for you and Netti and really hope it works out well for you both in Derby. You will be sorely missed darn sarf! Good luck
  7. Been on here a long time to read about Zeds with a failing battery or a dodgy engine earth can cause all weird and wonderful things to happen to the electrics. If you have access to another suitable battery (before buying), might be worth a try before you fork out on an electrician, that I agree as others ^ say, might become necessary.
  8. I seem to recall it was on UK registered cars when I bought mine in 2005 (S/H) and 2006 (New).
  9. Now where have I heard that before........... oh yes, many a time from my passenger seat
  10. You are losing the plot Dan, in your normal manner of taking issue with anything you want to disagree with. The steering lock failure is specifically listed under key cover. But until a legal eagle checks the small print I certainly agree it is not a 100% certain.
  11. Not helped when the car has 4WD but then use an electronic handbrake instead of a nice stout lever you can use in downhill slides (AND NOT THE FOOTBRAKE) so that at least means you can control the steering with the other hand - something I learnt many years ago when doing off-road production car trials and has since saved me kerb bouncing etc in icy conditions. Can't do that now with the '45
  12. Would need to check the definition of "damaged" - if does not say it has to be caused by a third party and there is no reference to wear and tear and a garage confirms it is 'broken', then on the face of it they should pay for the replacement less £100, IMHO. If the brakes on an otherwise road-worthy car fail and it crashes, the damage would be covered by a Comprehensive policy and in that example there is obviously 'wear and tear', hardly something the owner can avoid. So if an Insurance Company chooses to protect an item that means the insured cannot use their car when it fails - only right that the Company pays out in my book. But then there is always the dreaded small print.
  13. Just been doing the annual 'go-compare' pa lava and noticed in the John Lewis details that under the key cover cover it includes replacement steering locks.... Now, maybe that is also done by other insurers but given the 370 steering lock 'issue' is still cropping up that may be something to look out for But as others have pointed out, fuse removal is the best 'insurance' otherwise.
  14. Absolutely I had been contemplating a 718 Cayman but with the 4 pot/turbo used to tick the emissions box it has ruined the aural quality....just like F1! That is the real pain of the current technology for us petrolheads
  15. Ebized

    Stubaru BRZ

    I would agree - given its remote siting and limited time there someone targeted it; someone who who needs a lesson taught. I would be asking the store if they can check their cctv footage as you have had criminal damage done to your car (if there are any cameras in the car park) and if evidence is there with the vehicles reg - report to the police. I too have tended to park away from other cars when possible, but this kind of damage makes me wonder if that draws the attention to the haters......
  16. TBH, I'm surprised the mark-up was only £2k - maybe the time of year dictated that to hopefully help their cash flow during the winter period when car sales drop off.....
  17. Sorry to hear your car has gone so soon, but as it is less than a year old most insurances will replace with a new car - but not sure how long they deem it is 'lost' for good before giving the go-ahead for a replacement to be ordered, if that is your choice.
  18. Most are decided by planning officers when they are minded to approve, particularly if no objections have been raised; the proposal is consistent with the approved Planning Policy/supplementary guidance, or a Planning Committee member has not requisitioned the application to Committee for determination. In this case it sounds as though the Town Council's 'decision' - more appropriately an 'opinion', has triggered the need for Planning Committee determination.
  19. Just read your build thread and very impressed with the choice of mods and your attention to detail. Has to be one of best, if not the best, looking 370 roadsters out there and given their rarity it would be a dream purchase for someone. One little question about the mirrors out of idle curiosity (I love them btw) - do they fold in?
  20. If the Town Council is like our Parish Council, they comprise individuals who expertise/training n the planning process would be limited...at best. Effectively they have no powers to determine planning applications and only have narrow local interests, as opposed to the wider public interest that forms the basis as to how planning decisions should be taken. So when you say the planning department is putting it "forward to be approved anyway", I would urge you to check the Planning Officer's report/recommendation as that is what carries weight and if anything is found wanting there check out the rules for making representations yourself if it is being dealt with at a public meeting - Planning Committees normally allow that, certainly that has been case in areas where my work was undertaken. Having attended more of these Committee meetings than I would care to recall, my advice would be to discuss the option of asking to address the Committee with the agent who submitted the application for you, particularly if the recommendation is not in your favour. If there are no other objections other than from the Town Council it may be best to stay 'mum' at the meeting, but your agent should know how the Committee in your case takes to applicant's making comments in such situations when the application has officer support. If anyone is seriously daft enough to think that goes on nowadays with things being so much more transparent in the planning decision making process, they are sadly very wrong. Yes, you get some real clowns elected and some very ill-informed opinions expressed but that is the nature of democracy.
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