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Everything posted by Ebized

  1. Merit in that idea, but there must be a control on how much manufacturers can spend - that is what is stopping others joining in and why the grids are getting smaller leading to F1 on its current downward spiral. I also feel its about time the aero packages are significantly restricted to some very basic formats for all that would not only save huge amounts of development but also set to minimize the turbulence for following cars - something along the lines of Formula E where they seem to run nose to tail without issues.
  2. Maybe this if the colour is OK? https://www.marleyeternit.co.uk/Roofing/Clay-Tiles/Melodie-Clay-Single-Interlocking-Pantile.aspx
  3. Can't disagree with the views that F1has lost its way, dominated by Ferrari and Mercedes having far too much influence on the sport these days. If they walked (or they are pushed) out then providing Liberty don't ****-up the opportunity of other manufacturers joining in with sensible controls on the engine costs and fancy aero bits then the formula might survive and re-grab the love that so many are losing for the sport. We know Aston Martin, Porsche, Honda, Renault, VW and no doubt others are waiting for what is to be announced for F1 from 2012 onwards. Maybe there ought to be a rule that no team is run/owned by a motor manufacturer but are there to supply (power controlled) engines to say a minimum and maximum of teams that are not otherwise financially backed by those manufacturers .....? I have loved motorsport in general all my life but I simply cannot get excited about Formula E, notwithstanding it offers much closer racing than F1, as one vital ingredient is missing for this petrolhead dinosaur - THE NOISE. It's like playing good music with the the volume turned off and an eerie whine put in its place
  4. Sadly, F1 is not the 'must watch' it used to be and Sky prices (for those who don't have access to Sky Go ) is failing to reflect the dying interest. Suppose this year there is still Channel 4 full coverage for 10 of the 21 races this year and highlights for the other 11 and in some respects the presentation is less cringe worthy - just a shame they don't have Martin Brundle.
  5. My wife and I found the 370 an extremely comfortable cruiser in nearly 5 years of ownership with much of the 21k mileage being done on road trips from Surrey/Sussex to Wales and Scotland on numerous occasions and having reached the enjoyable driving roads in those areas that allowed me to exploit the handling of the car to the full - a period of car ownership that was one of the best of my life. Oh, and we were well into our sixties then - testament to once a petrolhead etc ....... that I can't shake off
  6. Knew that! But couldn't help thinking that your "experience" and "humble opinion" is based on thousands of laps at Knockhill in the 350 alone - something those who have not been around on here as long as you and I might not be more aware of and extends to potentially more active track time knowledge than any other 350 owner .... in the UK, if not the world over.
  7. Er, and just for the record, roughly how much track time have you had with your 350 roadster to come to that conclusion
  8. When you look at what Russia have actively been doing in Syria that involves hundreds if not thousands of terrible deaths/injuries of innocent families, in the most atrocious ways to serve their interests, I cannot see how anyone can realistically suggest that taking out a few (former) agents that have double-crossed the Russian state is then questionable beggars belief.
  9. I would have been tempted to 'edit' the road sign for the pic by replacing the "yds" to FUN
  10. Noting the work you have done, you may have an airlock that the 350's are prone to when the coolant is changed. So as ZMANALEX suggests, get a proper diagnosis. Or follow the procedure set out the guide on the forum here:
  11. Hmmmmm.... The bus driver, likely to be local, has the advantage of seeing over the hedges in many places along that road given the relative seating heights. The road is obviously not two full lanes wide in places given the absence of a central line in places and highlighted by the fact the OP had to virtually stop after the bus went by. Looking at the OP's speed on that road in those conditions it was certainly with safety in mind, something that was low down in the bus driver's priority. Maybe pulling over a little sooner seeing the bus driver was a 'mission' might have been wise, but then hindsight about our own actions that we have all had multiple times when bad driving surrounds us, is a wonderful thing. What we don't know is did he have any children on board!? Enough I would say in any event to get his collar pulled by authority to protect those he is (presumably) responsible for.
  12. Very impressive and good photos too
  13. But if the driver is the one who drives with children aboard then if that is his standard of driving........how many parents on here would want you to let that go having posted your own worries with the evidence you have?
  14. The bonnet issue has been reported before and I recall Will370z had that, which was easily sorted.
  15. TV coverage - Sky alternative looks hopeful: https://www.f1today.net/en/news/f1/-236388/formula-1-launches-streaming-service-f1-tv And for anyone wanting live info on the current Barcaleno testing, I am finding the streaming here more informative than the Sky blog. https://www.f1today.net/en/live/f1/236360/follow-live-the-second-day-of-the-first-test-in-2018
  16. Good additional info you have added - so thank you for the post
  17. Found, what has turned out to be a very useful guide for window motor problems, in case you might need it Bob:
  18. Ebized


    Not sure if the Nismo wheels change things Oh, and be very careful about the type of slip spacer if you use those as it was those on mine that caused juddering that Marcus at Disc Skimmers discovered.
  19. I would agree, although the OP does say there was some braking afterwards which may indicate the dual circuit protection was operating although thankfully I have never experienced brake failure to know how effective having just one front and one rear brake would be?
  20. Any help? http://autopowerindustries.com/Roll-Bars-Cages/Nissan-350Z-2004-2009 http://www.agi-precision.com.au/product-category/roll-cages/cams-roll-cages/bolt-in/nissan-roll-cages/350z/
  21. I checked this out including a chat with Jez at Horsham and I have no reason to believe it is not genuine as he has carried most of the work on the car. More details on the 'other channel' I now understand the reference to the seller's father from conversation, that can easily be verified by a little research elsewhere. The issue about what the number plate is worth I took with a pinch of salt - seemingly someone with more money than sense was offering to buy it for his Nismo GTR......hmmmmm. What bothered me was the hi-flow cats that would likely fail the MOT and that would mean remaps to reinstall the OEM cats and take them off again, given that the OEM cats soon break up with FI. The clutch and noise level also figured in my decision for everyday use, being helped by someone who has good experience in FI installs in Zeds, so I did not pursue a viewing. Not having either the space or desire to do cat changes together with the increased running/maintenance costs costs and the fact much of the car would no longer be covered by warranty was too much for me, once my head kicked in over my heart. Edit: Oh, and the fact the tyres were likely to need an upgrade did not help. It maybe the considerations I mention as well as the ad content and surprising price asked are deterring interest when you estimate the new car cost + mods. But you can find out the car has been for sale for some while now and potential interest is going to be very limited and hopefully is bought by a true ZED enthusiast. But for someone with bigger balls and pockets than me who wants to check it out further........?
  22. Come on guys, cut the personal stuff and just keep on topic - opinions are opinions and we all get them wrong and right at times. Just saying.......... before the inevitable and noting it is obviously now stopping others contributing in case their opinions get torn to shreds or ridiculed by those perceived as know-it-alls.
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