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  1. Thats the beggars! Cheers chief! I owe you one.
  2. If anyone has any ideas how to find out about those seats I would be most greatful.
  3. 350Zfan

    20" Rims

    Thanks Nismo, that looks tight!!!
  4. Does anyone know what those seats are? They look great,
  5. Hmm, weird. The car that was on that website (that I enquired about today) has now apparently been sold. Shame cos it looked like a bargain. Can't tell you how p'ed off I was at work today when I found out. Was all ready for a long trek down to Kent at the weekend. Oh well. Im sure I'll find a better one in the long term.
  6. 350Zfan

    20" Rims

    I was wondering if anyone has a pic, (side on prefered) of a 350z on 20" rims. Ideally I would like to see one that hasnt been lowered, although I imagine this combo is quite rare?
  7. If I buy an import is it possible to change the front numberplate bracket to take a british style one or will it leave unsightly marks? Cheers
  8. Hows it going? I am a big 350Z fan and am on the lookout for one at the moment. I currently have a silver audi s3 but have my heart set on a nice gun metal grey Z. I will have loads of questions for you lot so hopefully you will be able to help me out! Cheers!
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