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Everything posted by swak

  1. swak

    Phone Cradles

    Thanks for the info. Really useful. Cheers
  2. Just bought myself a 350Z (at last) and I want to be able to set my phone up. The car has all the wiring but I can't get a cradle to fit my mobile a Nokia 6021. Anybody got any ideas about how to solve the problem. Any help appreciated
  3. swak

    Imported 350Z

    Thanks for all the help useful stuff, much appreciated. Anyone dealt with Bonsai cars? they seem to do all the SVA stuff, shipping etc and you bid for the cars direct in Japan. Seems sensible as 350Znismo says to esnure they are reputable. Cheers All
  4. Hi I am looking to buy a 350Z. Unfortunatley I can't afford the £28K for a new one so I am looking to eitehr import one or get one of the older UK car. Is there anything particlaur I need to worry about if I go down the import route?
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