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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Sunday 21st June @ Newton Abbot Racecourse Please visit the web site for more info; http://www.southwestmotorshow.com Closing date for entries is 24th May.
  2. I haven't seen him for a while, so didn't know if he was still around
  3. Hello dave, Is anth sorting out the passes for you guys.
  4. Sunday 15th June @ Newton Abbot Racecourse DEVON Please visit the web site for more info. http://www.southwestmotorshow.com
  5. New forum on the site. Go on then, sign up and say hi. http://www.southwestmotorshow.com
  6. Hi, just like to say thanks for advertising the show, i'd would also like to point out that the post code for the venue is TQ12 3AF, i don't want anyone driving to my house on the day of the show sat nav users. Also heres a video of 2005: http://mardy126.valuehost.co.uk/videos/MotorShow.wmv
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