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Big Al 757

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  1. Any idea where I can get packets of silica from?
  2. Condensation can form in the empty part of the tank, and you could end up with a nice pool of water at the bottom of your Tesco's Premium!
  3. Sadly, I'm leaving the country (and the Z) for four months. I have the use of my folks garage for the entire period, and I'm already on the lookout for an indoor cover. Any other ideas? Turning it over every week or so? Getting my Dad to drive it?? Or fill the tank up, disconnect the battery and let her hibernate until April? Absence makes the heart grow fonder... Al
  4. **** CZL I think. Ooh, I hope it's another "pielot"!
  5. 2 GMs, inlcuding mine, and one Kuro (KR54 *** I think), all parked next to the runway in the private enclosure. Covered in the Red Arrows' best dyed red and blue diesel by the end of the day!
  6. Ha! That's rich Mike, coming from someone who's first interest is "Xbox" and who manages 10 posts a day on here!! Where do you find the time to drive? brgds Al
  7. **** ENE - Just sat there begging to be driven. Very shiny she was too!
  8. ** ** - HYN or HYN I think. Saw it looking all lonely, as I walked in from the staff car park.
  9. Fergo, Aaah, PVK and the joys of Greek ATC. Have fun! Yep, it is Chris. We'll see how good he feels after a year of longhaul. It ages you very fast indeed
  10. Just spotted. Driving past my folks place with mine parked in the drive. Got a smile from the driver as we both checked out each other's identical cars!
  11. Fergo, He's CL, LGW based. Top bloke, we trained together.
  12. Yup, FCA. A mate of mine joined TCX last March on the Bus and has just gone onto the 330. Is now frozen on the 330 for one year doing long haul. Not that I would want to have to position around the Carribean and South America everytime I went to work!
  13. Fergo, same here. As far away from the airport as I can get. Who do you work for?
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