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Everything posted by Baptist

  1. I know..................... Monki fluffer..............
  2. Oooooh thats going too far custard ferret!!!!! you BITCH!!!!
  3. Hey, im turning into a right whore, have you noticed???? Sarnie, what a prick.
  4. LOL, dont worry, my judgement is clear.
  5. Thats the oil I've always used, works for me.
  6. I never got one at 350. Dont think im popular on this board. *sniff sniff*
  7. He's a scouser!!! come on lads, everything is free for scousers!!! LOL
  8. I love having a blast with other Zeds, its hilarious to watch.
  9. Really depends on the manufacturer. Audi for instance delivers you a new car, and the first oil change only happens at 20.000 miles! And the car for sure isnt running on mineral oil those first 20.000 What makes you think it wasnt done at the factory?
  10. I think thats true if you have the cash to express yourself in that way, not everyone is as fortunate, and some folk just have to make do with the best they can afford. Money aint everything, but it certainly gives you choices, and makes life easier.
  11. Just as a point, my standard axles were showing serious signs of wear (circa 15k miles of TT use) so anyone who plans or is running high torque on this car, might be a good idea to get an uprated set.
  12. I bought one at the end of 2003, when they had not long been out. I was very taken with the looks of the car, and was sick of high revving no torque VTEC engines. Luckily nobody had chav'd their cars up at that point, to put me off! Not saying it would now, if i were a first time buyer, but I hate seeing the chav touch hit a classy car like the Zed. End of the day, you buy the car for you, not other people, at least thats my view on it.
  13. It is absolutely essential to run a new engine in, unlike gearboxes, engine require time to bed in, piston rings take time properly seat etc etc. Hence why mineral oil is used, to allow a certain amount of wear to occur, and the tolerences to properly set themselves. Dyno's are just a very approximate figure, the only way to get a proper engine figure is to run the motor on an engine dyno.
  14. But the forums are run by owners, so that does give a certain impression to potential owners coming to these forums.
  15. Very interesting point Steve. I think most owners are generally just people who appreciate a car that is good value and ticks all the boxes, as it were. I suppose people may get the wrong idea coming to the forums off certain threads, as they can read as very insular to this community. People can get very caught up in this little community, and when all said and done, its just a place to come and talk about cars.
  16. The TT kit also has alot more scope for power than the single. My point is that mapping wont make the single turbo nearly lag free like the twin turbo kit.
  17. What a pair of lunatics.
  18. Thats true, but you cant change the physical characteristics of the engine and the turbo, which ultimately govern boost spool. The single is quite laggy in comparison to the TT kit. Still a good price though.
  19. Most people on the US forums say that full boost is from approx 4000rpm. How can mapping change the gas flow that is driving the turbo??? that is what governs boost pressure and spool up.
  20. I reckon it will be more like 60-65k.
  21. Certainly make the car look better as well.
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