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Everything posted by Baptist

  1. Why? They are low mileage summer cars. My car works in all weather and sleeps outside. I cant afford both, not at the minute anyway. I think the 355 looks dated now, as nice as they are.
  2. They are nice, but they arent an every day car. A friend of mine just bought a fair weather one, N plate, 12k on the clock, like new. The 355 was before they started to make them reasonably reliable. You cant leave the 355 in a damp atmosphere as they have an inherent flaw on the rear quarter of the car, and it rusts really badly. Super intensive maintenance. I could buy one, but I like my zed, its a bit different, and keeps me interested. I dont doubt that one day I will have a prancing horse of some kind. They awesome cars, and Ive always said i would own one.
  3. Baptist

    stroker kit

    We'll known on here
  4. I dunno, I've ruined a few 355 owners days. In my experience, they are the worst losers, as they think that nothing could ever be as fast as their car.
  5. Old people are good for their stories and experience in life, but mostly they just smell of pish and digestives.
  6. Speaking on behalf of me, Im sure Smoky will chip in at some point. Car drives just like standard, only more of it, really is like a factory fit option. APS kit is superb quality, not cheap, but then proper gear never is.
  7. Baptist

    stroker kit

    No such thing as a daft question. Of course, the car would be more reliable doing the bottom end for that power, but you have to weigh up cost on doing it. Its really not cheap to do. At 400bhp, I would stay on standard internals. (purely for prohibitive cost reasons) You'd need a ECU with a selectable map to do that. Would cost alot more to do that. In all honesty, if you dont want the power, just dont put your foot down as far. Nitrous is only good for drag racing really, for the cost of it, you get very little time out of bottle. Couple of minutes at best. Insurance companies hate it, as well. Yes, and I am just the same, as are most on this board! No probs, its all a learning curve, especially with this car. Any more questions, dont be shy. Jon
  8. Baptist

    stroker kit

    If you are intent on doing FI, then you can do it without doing the internals. Of course, if you fit an uprated bottom end (pistons, conrods etc) then you will have a much more reliable car. Alot of people run FI without going to this extra expense, with no problems at all. As long as you keep to around the magic 400bhp mark, providing you are correctly tuned, you should be ok. As with any modified engine, their are inherent risks, and you cannot expect factory reliability (whatever that is, as standard engines can break as well!) My last car ran the Vortech for about 11k miles with no problems, and my current has done 13.5k out of 15k on the APS TT kit @410 bhp, no problems at all. Its all about how much you want to spend. I dont know of anyone that has successfully done the stroker and the TT conversion. Im sure it has been done, but you come across alsorts of issues if you increase the capacity, as the turbo's in these kits are matched to the cars current displacement. To be honest, if you are thinking of doing a high power FI application, then 3.5 litres is more than enough for you too run higher boost that would give you extremely high power. The problem with the Zed is, that its only 2WD, so you need to ask, what is actually practical for traction. All good and well being able to boast about X amount of power, but if you cant use it, then its a waste of money. I've chosen to stay with standard displacement on mine, you will get the same effect with running higher boost @ lower compression. Hope this is of some help.
  9. Baptist

    stroker kit

    The cost of doing stroker + Forced induction would be unbelievably high to say the least. Its not really necessary if you are doing forced induction.
  10. Seems like an awful lot of work just to start the car. I had an S2000 and the button just ended up getting on my tits.
  11. @*!# customer service with Jim Wolf, do they not realise that I am not a tester for their products, I paid money for a working product, not something that wasnt going to last 5 minutes, so they could modify it to suit problems that occured. Im going to get this over on the US boards and see what happens. Sick of these cowboys ripping people off.
  12. Val, I agree entirely with what you've said with that statement, they just bully you out or ban you. I wont get anywhere with this, but at least you lot know the crack with it.
  13. I know, rubbish isnt it. Not sure what to do, nightmare with them being in the US. Even if the damage is only cosmetic due to the alignment clips having broken off, its still damaged my parts to some extent. My mechanic aint happy putting it back in, thats for sure. So sick of battling with these companies when parts go wrong, its such hard work.
  14. Right enough, Dor, Kinetix were absolutely ace with the customer service side of things. Have posted on My350z but cant host pics, so nobody is interested. Really am not happy about this. But to be honest, Im finding this pretty typical of Performance Nissan as well. My JIC Y pipe split, and they did nothing about that as well.
  15. Superb motor either way, well done. What is the crack with TVR now?? are they going tits up??? and are they still doing warranty work? I heard they were moving abroad.
  16. Haha, have we met, Liam?? Tell you what, no way I'd let him nick my porridge!
  17. Actually did some beta testing for the original XBox live, as it goes!! LOL Never got annoyed at free products though. Not good enough, that metal could have done alot of damage, and has done some. Also, Im not confident that it would last any amount of time, especially with what is planned for the car. Hate the way most of these companies revel in good press on the boards, but wont do f*ck all for you when it all goes wrong. Seeing a pattern forming in this industry for that. At least some money back would have been nice.
  18. Right, just got the word back on this. Am getting nothing. This is from the man himself, Mr. Wolf. "Ben passed this on to me. I have seen this support tab break on clutches before due to over extending the diaphragm movement. We have completely eliminated these clips on the currant pressure plates since we use extra heavy torque straps that make them unnecessary and are one less thing to break. I can't see in the pictures if all or only one of the three tabs gone, but he can remove the other 2 tabs and it will work fine without them (like our current pressure plate). If he needs any more info on this let us know." Im not happy it going back in, apart from the plate being knackered, its totally shagged. Not impressed one bit. Substandard to the extreme.
  19. Roadsters look garbage, chop off jobs always do.
  20. Know what you mean, i just like the plug and play of the consoles, and the new Xbox live really is superb.
  21. I bought a PSP, its cool, but im really disapointed with the lack of quality games out for it. 360 gets a good bashing though, superb.
  22. Good value. Cant spend all your cash on your car.
  23. Interestingly enough, looking at the pictures, its actually a repackaged Exeddy clutch, which arent that hot.
  24. That was due to my carelessness with what I used to clean them. Meooowwww.
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