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Everything posted by Baptist

  1. Well, seeing as though I've been away for nearly 5 weeks, and my car is at the other side of the country, its quite hard to share anything. And you know exactly what Im doing do you??? I think not. All will be revealed when I actually see it myself.
  2. I dont need to try harder with anything my car is exactly as I want it, although it is now somewhat different than it was at JAE.
  3. Now thats engine bay bling.
  4. Buy yourself a new set of wheels or something for your car, and tell her how happy you've made her by sharing your enjoyment of your zed.
  5. No I havent got rid of any plastic, only the cover that obscures the APS plenum. Where did I say that I was after getting rid of all plastic???? I just dont see painted plastic as 'bling' thats all. Not focusing solely on performance, just hadnt had the plenum polished at that time. Havent got any pics, as Im still in Russia.
  6. Nice to see you can still be as childish as ever, Val. Me installing the plenum wasnt a 'solution' to getting rid of plastic, it was put there for a reason, to gain power. Yes it was still a rough cast when you last saw it, but its not that way now. I just dont like the look of loads of sprayed plastic, just looks cheap in my opinion, thats all Im saying.
  7. Yeah, a set of springs would always be a good start, but you could run them with standard springs, the dampers are the bad point on the Zeds suspension. Dont have any pics, Im still offshore at the minute, but can get some soon as I will return on Thursday.
  8. Adjustable suspension struts. Brand new in box, never fitted. Surplus to requirements, looking for what I paid for them. £380.
  9. I do like engine bay bling, prefer polished metal to painted plastic though.
  10. I thought they had stopped making the HKS supercharger. Nothing but trouble that thing, rubbish. Dont know why people bang on about HKS so much, totally over hyped, most of their stuff is rebadged gear made by other people anyway.
  11. Was on my first zed, then my second, then Steve's, now yours.
  12. That exhaust has done the rounds now! Still going strong.
  13. Quite a few badly designed points on the Greddy kit, front brace removal for one, air filters located in the engine bay for another. Better stuff out there now, this was about the first kit launched.
  14. The Greddy kit was designed in America for the American Market. The Greddy kit wasnt developed for, or indeed marketed in Japan. The Power Enterprise would fit.
  15. But does it fit RHD?????????? Good value kit if it does.
  16. 3200 for the Greddy?? you'll need more bits and bobs than the bare kit comes with, and does it actually fit the RHD car??? I dare say it will add upto more than that, especially when you realise that the Greddy is not a complete kit, by any stretch. Do your homework, it cost more than you first may think.
  17. About right, although you wouldnt have it last time i told you that, Val!
  18. No way on earth would I run 450bhp on a car with standard internals. You could get that power out of the standard kit, but your engine would be on a knife edge. The suspension and brakes, as standard will be well beyond their limits at this power output as well. If you want 500 bhp, the turbo kits that are out there, need quite a few other components, as well as a built bottom end, to help you achieve that kind of power level.
  19. They can be a bit slow to get back to you, you have to keep trying. Always sort you out, once you do get in contact.
  20. Unless you are sure of exactly what plastics its made of, and what is in the paint/how they react, how can you be sure that the paint hasnt changed the properties of the plastic plenum?? All guess work.
  21. Cant see them refunding you for your cans of halfords paint, but they will sort you out with a new plenum.
  22. Its items like these that make me think some 350z owners should have bought a Punto. Keep the car classy, dont put shite like that on it.
  23. Haha, sorry, but she's getting nailed to the wall, and thats the way it is!!!!!:scare:
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