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Everything posted by Baptist

  1. Im a little annoyed at this thread, its been taken way off topic. I mean, who's the whore around here? and who wants my free sticker???? shall i donate it to the NSPCA??? or some other worthy cause?????
  2. You also like red trousers.
  3. Baptist

    HKS Turbo kit

    That intercooler doesnt look nearly big enough to handle much power, my oil cooler is nearly as big as that!
  4. Baptist

    HKS Turbo kit

    Yeah, probably. Should include the injectors really, and leave the ECU solution to the end user. Cant go wrong with an FCON, though.
  5. Your BMW looks wa*k, by the way.
  6. Baptist

    HKS Turbo kit

    Injectors and FCON extra to buy as well. Plus fitting, plus VAT.
  7. Baptist

    HKS Turbo kit

    Price? Edit* See the price now. LOL
  8. Oh come on, it was just a joke. All this he said this, he said that.....etc etc, 'im still feeling a bit battered' Bit dramatic isnt it? We've had plenty of communication between us Kev, no problems at all. Dont start on me as well. I kept out of all that crap that has been going on, I just cant believe how melodramatic people are being. Its a forum about cars, for f*cks sake.
  9. Did he nick your dinner money as well? LOL
  10. Dont take my thread off topic, it'll get split!!!!! (Idea for new thread, 'Stews attempts @ post whoring Baps Post whoring thread'
  11. Thats the nicest install I've seen on a Zed, and the most economical use of space, well done.
  12. Anyone want a free sticker??? Im determined to get it?? Can we please split this thread to 'Help Bap get a free sticker?'
  13. In all honesty, I really dont want the sticker, thanks anyway. Just a bit of crack, to lighten the mood a bit. Most threads usually go way off topic anyway.
  14. Haha, who started the off topic sticker post??? YOU DID!
  15. I dont put stickers on my car!!! thanks anyway, I'll leave stickers for the chav wagons! :PB) *EDIT* See other thread about me post whoring to make sense of this comment.
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