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Everything posted by Baptist

  1. Ive tried them all, and nothing comes close to Zaino. NXT is pretty good, but just doesnt last as long.
  2. Started using mine now, love heated seats.
  3. Baptist

    My Zed pics!

    Too true Digsy. Take Buckfast away and they'll move on to something else. PS: Stew, I like how your thread has become the "Neds and fortified wine" section. Good man! Haha, PMSL, neds and fortified wine section!!!!!!!! superb. Nice car pics mista, wanna giz a swatch o' yer *****???
  4. They dont know quite how much power ive got though 30% sir, yessss, of course.
  5. Direct Line, paying about £1250, like for like (believe it when i saw it, although I hope i never have too), 29 years old (just).
  6. Most cars are notchy between 1st and 2nd when cold, just let the oil/components warm up and it should be much easier.
  7. Funny thing is, the paint on my first zeds bumper didnt last 5 minutes, on this car, the original bumper has about 1 chip on after 15 months driving. Weirdness.
  8. You need to heat it, to a high temperature, risk of distortion.
  9. The mid pipe doesnt go that close to the diff, if i remember correctly. Never heard of a Nismo that doesnt fit.
  10. Any of the Nismo exhausts fit, if indeed there really are different versions.
  11. Chroming may distort it as well, polishing is a better bet.
  12. It aint that loud! Nice one, you'll love the sound.
  13. Baptist

    My Zed pics!

    Buckie, brewed by monks!!! haha, quality. If you want educating in Neds (the proper word for a chav- Non educated Delinquents) go here.................www.glasgowsurvival.co.uk
  14. Do you double dare me??? ner ner neh ner ner! Ok, if you want to split hairs, when you read it, i say the black rear lights look chav and dont belong on a zed, you then come back and say 'and a nismo kit does' to me that puts it in the same context as what im saying about the lights. Also, how can it not belong on a zed, it was designed by Nissan for it! You were just being awkward, because I said the lights looked chav, and the fact that your now bidding on a bumper that you dont think belongs on the zed (whether that is because it is chav or not), backs that up!
  15. Common though, arent they Val?? and a bit chav as you said??
  16. Baptist

    My Zed pics!

    Giz a bottle o' buckie, mista.
  17. Baptist

    My Zed pics!

    All you boys are on Kenfetamine!
  18. Something amiss if you cant get traction in a standard zed in second!
  19. I wasnt moaning, I asked a question politely. Just seemed odd, as the owner decided he didnt mind displaying his plates. Nice friendly response though.
  20. Whats the problem with having different plates in his sig?
  21. Baptist

    My Zed pics!

    Looks awesome, Stew!
  22. Baptist


    Im the same, always good to have a good nosey while its up on a ramp.
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