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Everything posted by max

  1. I have ruff racing alloys as doe's lomoto,sorry not a good photo. max.
  2. Bought mine from Bigphil very easy to fit. cost £185 plus £25 if you want the heat shield. max.
  3. I know, didn't want it because it didn't mean anything to me and was costing money to keep it. max.
  4. yes sold it for peanuts (£400)got my eye on a new one but haven't made my mind up yet. max.
  5. Have got Karen scared caught me looking at another on e-bay the other day. max.
  6. Awesome car but you could have had mine for less. max.
  7. Happy Bithday Mike Karen would not beleive me when i told her how old you were, she thought you were 34. all the best mate Mark & Karen.
  8. Dont forget track day insurance just in case of the unthinkable should happen. max.
  9. I got my induction kit fitted this weekend at last. Pipework and filter was very easy to fit and once Bigphil sent a picture of the heat sheild that was easy to fit also. It makes the car sound a lot throatier and I can't wait to get the roof down. Tim I have learnt how to add my pictures I think but Karen still has to check my spelling. max
  10. this guy has a few things for sale/one or two on here allready know but does anyone know who he is. max.
  11. it was late,good read though. max.
  12. hope this is nobody we know, :nissan 350Z 2006 cabriolet (#150078922084)
  13. 143 is a good time if you look at sarnies his best was 139.37 in the dry. max.
  14. just bought mine from bigphil full chrome pipe and k&n filter £185 inc delivery plus £25 if you want the heat sheild,check forum index general then couple of pics and it will show you it fitted to his car. max.
  15. sl114 why put a link up if you dont want people to click on it. max.
  16. after fitting my 19 inch alloys i fitted dunlop max sport,i do not think these tyres give better wet grip than the bridgstones but are ok in the dry. max.
  17. Sorry to here you have to work stew,i should of been too but was given an extra day off,do you have to wait for dinner or do you get fed. max.
  18. Merry christmas everybody and a happy driving new year. all the best mark&karen.
  19. Gave my first spotted card away yesterday had a short chat with the guy,so sunset coupe h15 --- if you read this wellcome. max.
  20. put me down as prov,would be nice to have a run to the warmer south. max
  21. max

    Veilside spoiler

    any pic's of the one for the roadster. max.
  22. max

    Arrived Today

    IAN how long did it take to fit and is it straight forward enough to do, mine is on it's way this week. max.
  23. sorry tim i don't, look in american performance mags i only bought them when i was looking for parts for the cobra(it had a 327 vette engine)still miss the noise. max.
  24. TIM for around £30000 you can buy a new mustang converted to right hand drive by one of the top uk dealers,problem is the drive train disgn is about 200 years old. max.
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