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Everything posted by max

  1. nice too see you back Jacko hope you are well and staying around for a while, can not make the Wales run this time but hope to meet up later in the year. max.
  2. April 15th 1 beavis 2 M13KYF 3 lomoto 4 Chesterfield 5 Ruby slippers 6 Digsy 7 TheMinel 8 AndyC 9 Kai 10D4V3 GT4 11stuey 12 Kev (quite probably) 13Zedrush 14bluelady 15 redzed (to confirm closer to date) 16 Liam's Z (If not to rough) 17 Zzzz (Possible) 18 flirt (possible) sorry everybody but i have had to removed my name from the list, really disappointed i will not be there but hope the weather is kind and you will all have a good day out. hope to meet up later in the year. max.
  3. Worked 6 days last week well 5 days and 1 night total hours 72 only doing 60 hours this week,will be having a few beers friday. max.
  4. Yes it was me on the way home from cruising the dales,enthusiastic wave due to seeing another z on the road, are you the same person i see most mornings traveling into Barrow while i'am walking my dogs on park road around about 8.45. max.
  5. Iwould still like too make this and will do every thing possible,after going on the last two trips, a two hour drive to the start on the first(getting Karen out of bed at 4.30) and a night in Chester on the second it would be a shame to miss out.I'am sorry if this will cause friction but if i have to work i can not get out of it. max
  6. I may not be able too make the 15th now due to work but would like to leave my name on for now its probably not looking good though. max.
  7. I use silkolene pro s which comes in a 5 litre tin where as the motul comes in a 2 litre tin,you req 4.75 litre(correct me if wrong)for a full change, motul is £45 for 4 litres but you would need to buy 6 litres, silkolene is only £50 for 5 litres both are good oil. max.
  8. Try Holdcroft i think you are looking at around £180 delivered,look under discounts at the top off the home page. max.
  9. If anybody is organising a run i could be up for this as i can stop over near Ayr. max
  10. Great turn out last year count me in. TheMinel Sarnie (As long as it doesn't rain ) lomoto (Sunday only though ) Chesterfield sl114 (but need to confirm) Ian (Depending on work) M13KYF Captint Hanel Revsport bob350z max
  11. Even though I have signed up for this and it is late into the thread i feel i have to make a comment. The Wales meet is somthing Jacko organised and as he will not be there this year I feel it will not be the same without him. Does anybody have a suggestions for an alternative route as I recall it was discussed during the last Wales run to try and find an alternative route for this year. max.
  12. Reidy i have one of bigphils systems fitted to my Z, the only problem you will have is that it makes a great sound above 4000 revs which will make you want to drive in a lower gear or use the full rev range. max.
  13. April 1st Kev946 M13KYF Ruby Lips Sarnie Chesterfield Sinbad April 8th EASTER SUNDAY !! probably best to avoid ?? Beavis Sarnie Digsy April 15th beavis M13KYF lomoto Sarnie Chesterfield Sinbad Digsy max April 22nd beavis M13KYF lomoto Sarnie Chesterfield April 29th beavis Kev946 M13KYF lomoto Sarnie Chesterfield only got one weekend off in April so will wait and see,i wont book the hotel just yet. max.
  14. We are not at the end of february yet and i have done around a thousand miles mostly with the roof down, whats the point of driving round with the roof up having paid the premium over the coupe and it sounds better too. max.
  15. Spoke to my dealer today because of a noise from the back axle they had a look and told me it was the brake shims moving, anybody else herd this before. max
  16. Thats ok Derek. Hope you enjoyed your stay in the lakes,did you drive the A6 Kendal to Penrith one of my favourite roads or the A591 Winderemere to Keswick. Let me know next time you venture this far south and we could try and meet up. max.
  17. Yes guys it was me,Karen said i should stop waving because nobody ever see's me. first time i have been spotted :yahoo:Z's very rare in these parts. max.
  18. Just bought a sony bravia 40 inch v series lcd, picture and sound quality is first class,well worth looking at. max.
  19. Not seen snow for well over a year. max
  20. I'am sorry you feel you have wasted your time putting the pics up,you have helped me make my mind up, i have herd jacko's car and it sounds great now after seeing your pics i can see it is also well made and as soon as i decide to change my exhaust this the one i will choose and i will phone you first. max.
  21. As Chesterfield wrote each to their own,what one person thinks cool another will think s--t, this is probably the case with all body kits,wheels etc. MAX.
  22. I took my vectra to main dealer today for it's service while i was there i was looking at some rear sensors which are hidden behind the number plate,not sure how these work but would look a lot neater,price on the box £170. max.
  23. max


    After three years it should still be worth around 69% boxster 63% but boxster s will cost around £10,000 more new. max.
  24. As the pictures show it fits back in where it came from and has made no difference. max.
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