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Everything posted by max

  1. max


    Must be a rare car 20 views no replies. max.
  2. max


    My dog carrier vectra estate has died on me and will need replacing, anybody have a vauxhall signum what do you think of them as I have found one but is in nottingham which is two hundred miles away. max.
  3. Could of been Wilky he was over there for the third time,was there a cossie and a elise close by. max.
  4. max


    Derek let me know where you are staying and I will try to get a few guys together. max.
  5. Thought you had sold the car. max
  6. max


    Took my car in for p2 service today supplied my own oil and the bill came to £110 which I thought was good, when I turned up to collect it there were four guys cleaning it including polishing the lips on my alloys so thumbs up to Barton Townly of Barrow. max. ps 350 posts.
  7. I think they look far better and are much brighter. max.
  8. No rain in barrow for a few days now. max.
  9. I use the seat belt pads thats why I have these in the garage. max.
  10. DJ are you looking for somthing like these I have a pair i do not use which you can have for a fiver. max.
  11. Martin get your name down for jae weekend 21-22 july. max.
  12. At this rate Adam will run out of nismo exhausts. max.
  13. sarnie are your springs s-tech or h-tech and how much. max.
  14. nismo is a three peice cat back, picture below shows standard and nismo putting high flow cats on may make it to loud. max.
  15. Z1 quote $1349 and will help with your tax invoice delivered in five days. max
  16. After having the nismo on for a few weeks now I would like to say when the roof is up driving on the motorway you know its on with the slightly higher drone will also be higher in the coupe as it has the open boot. I was also lucky to be behind my zed when Karen floored it the other day and can honestly say what a sound :yahoo: so if you can stand the drone give Adam a call you will not get it cheaper anywhere I tried half a dozen other people and they were nowhere near him. max.
  17. I would think this will sell very quickly, good price too. max
  18. Got mine off bigphil on this site, had a panel filter but made no diference induction kit makes it a lot throatier.
  19. Glad you liked the sound, next time i will have to follow martin to hear the full sound of the nismo. Will have to have another run out hopefully with better weather,not bad for the first meet four zeds in cumbria turns heads. max
  20. max


    About a week from order being placed to it arriving on my door. max.
  21. where are you based, scotland by any chance. max.
  22. met office are saying light showers,if you do not want to go too far how about the swan hotel newby bridge, big car park and is about half way between cartmel and barrow. max.
  23. I know it is short notice but we are going to have a south cumbrian mini meet on Thursday evening, if there are any members interested in coming along drop myself or Martinmac a pm and we can let you know the exact location. max.
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