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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I have to admit that I do quite like these. Not sure I should but I do!
  2. This was the TT one... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0322359762
  3. My initial concern is that the seller focuses on the supercharger being a big selling point but no photos of it or much info on it. I would want a lot more information about it before even seeing it such as who installed it, dyno charts, service schedule on it etc etc.
  4. Sorry guys, have to disagree. I was sorely disappointed by this film, was expecting much better.
  5. I'd check all the connections to do with the battery and alternator. Sounds to me like your alternator might not be working properly or had failed and the car is purely running on battery power rather than recharging it. If you can get it to somewhere like Kwik-Fit etc, they should be able to check it for you. I would check that as a starting point. Does the car restart ok when it has cut out??
  6. I can fully understand where you are coming from Rob. My Z is now a weekend toy in all honesty. I have a Mondeo for the Tesco's run etc!
  7. If some cheeky toerag stole your front plate, would they be able to see the button or however you're going to do it? It wouldn't be a button but just a charging point so you still can't get access to the car unless you have the key.
  8. It's just loose at the moment as I need to wire it in properly but I think it will end up being hidden behind the front number plate.
  9. No, I can connect the jump pack or car to the external power cable then that would give enough power to pop the door then I am in and can pop the bonnet.
  10. I have a separate external power feed going to the positive terminal on the battery so can jump the car externally from a jump pack or another car etc.
  11. Wicked Wheels on Crawley or Lepsons who are Kent/Essex way are very good. Bit of a drive from you though.
  12. Keep up! Have just done this to mine! Have rewired the standard door solenoids that lock and unlock the door to now pop the door open so they now open using the standard key.
  13. I think they quite suit the car!!! Need to say a massive thanks to Mark for getting me out of a rather tight spot on Saturday!!! I was an Usher at a good mates wedding and was supposed to be driving the Groom to the wedding in my Z but due to it not being finished, I couldn't, so Mark very graciously stepped in and helped out!! I owe you one mate!!
  14. Tim?? It's Andy from Kudos.....I would agree with the above and get it to Nissan to get it checked out, doesn't sound good at all and no-one on here that I know of has had an issue like that.
  15. Bonza!! Look awesome mate! Look forward to seeing them properly!
  16. Not sure if the airbag can be disabled at all. Might be worth a call to the dealers on this one. Certainly not something you want to risk! Would be good to know the answer though as it would be handy if I could ferry my two year old niece round sometimes.
  17. UK's are at 155 I think, imports are 113 iirc.
  18. I supply the Finichi's and they only come in 8.5J front and 9.5J rear
  19. Try this.... viewtopic.php?f=37&t=16851&hilit=fuse
  20. I'm pretty sure dcash5 aka Dan had the same problem and someone posted up a photo of the fusebox....will have a look for you.
  21. I'd check the fuses first but have a feeling you might need some resistors somewhere along the line.
  22. Andy


    Not sure how good these are for you....
  23. Andy

    exhaust system

    Here you go... viewtopic.php?f=32&t=23467
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