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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Steve, payment sent, cheers. Paul, thanks mate, appreciate it
  2. Done mate, paypal ok?? If it is, can you send me your paypal address? Cheers
  3. For the right price PM me what you are after if you want mate. Cheers
  4. No worries dude, thanks for the thought though
  5. This should keep you going for the time being then!! viewtopic.php?f=11&t=26435&start=0
  6. As per the title really! Cheers, Andy
  7. Will update with quite a few photos soon!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I've had a bit of experience fitting the widearch Veilside kit to the Z over the last couple of months so give me a shout if you have any fitment questions. 13's should look cool on it though. Is K doing the work again? He sprayed my Z when I first put the kit on a few years back and did a cracking job. Loving the Fiesta as well mate, have seen it around before and have always liked it! Hopefully meet you soon, Andy
  9. Looks fantastic mate, I know how long it has taken with all the planning and fine tuning for what you wanted! The result is fantastic, you should be proud! Nice touch on the blending of the rear, looks spot on.
  10. Car and stance look spot on Dan! Wish I could have made it down on Sunday to see it in the flesh! Nice job on the fitting as well!
  11. Andy

    Guess what..

    Donuts with enough sugar in them to power a small country for a month, horrible things!!
  12. http://www.genwi.com/play/17498812
  13. My best guess would be a River TST but without a closer look, I couldn't be 100% http://www.riverwheels.com/
  14. Is back on Sunday, 8pm, BBC2
  15. Andy


    +1 As subtle as ever Ian
  16. Andy


    Wouldn't mind seeing how this fixes to the car if you can take a few snaps while you are fitting it Jerry
  17. Bit too complex for you is it mate?
  18. Will update later on, have been up to my eyes the last few days!
  19. I had a similar thing last year and spent the night in hospital, they put it down to overworking and not enough time off and the hard to breath down to a panic attack due to the chest pains! Had 3 ECG's and a load of other tests, x-rays etc and everything came back clear!! Glad you are ok though mate, these things can be rather nerve wracking!! btw, what's D&V?
  20. tbh, i'd probably keep it as quiet as I could otherwise all your old "friends" who haven't seen you in years will start creeping out the woodwork!! Having said that, after having a play with a GTR yesterday, that would be the first thing on the shopping list!!
  21. Blimey, thats a beast! That looks like something the dentist used on me last time I went!!! +1 on Chris advice though, the clips are fairly fragile so better to take a little time over it.
  22. I should be up there but minus the Z for obvious reasons! Will make myself known on the stand though
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