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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy


    Veilside V3 can come with a carbon blade, the same as Dan had on his originally
  2. Andy


    Just as an idea, here are the two spoilers I have had on my Z, before and after its change! Here is the Ings spoiler for the subtle look and here is the Veilside V3 spoiler
  3. Ha, quality Jay, for a minute, I thought that was you standing there! Have done my knee in again so have just been tinkering with the smaller things over the last couple of weeks or so.... I wanted to break up the exterior black slightly so thought I would tinker with the side badges. Started by wet & drying the badges down to remove any contaminants and glue Then primered them a couple of times with a fine rub back between coats. I then gave them a coat of paint, the other piece in the background is the surround of the TPMS system. Finally, after a couple of coats of paint and some final clear coat, I put the carbon centers back on and they are ready to go back on the car. I also wanted to change the center console and door handles. Whilst in the bodyshop, they had been badly chipped and scratched. I had painted them Azure Blue but didn't like that so thought I would carbon wrap them instead. The photos don't capture the texture of it but it looks better in person. I need to change the other blue bits but you get the idea. Cubby flap Ready to install back in the car Back in the car Passenger door handle I've dona few more bits in the interior as well but haven't got pics of them just yet.
  4. Have these going spare. Brand new and unused, designed to be used with a Veilside V3 kit. 2 front arches, 2 rear arches & fuel cap insert. Fibreglass kit with a white gel coating smooth finish. Will need some tweaking for a perfect flush fit but nothing a good bodyshop can't do bearing in mind they are fibreglass. I gave £400 including delivery for these and am looking for offers close to that as would like to recoup as much money as possible. I can arrange a courier easily enough although I don't have price estimates yet or collection fromo Crawley, West Sussex. I have some photos of them wrapped up and would rather not unwrap them as it took me ages to do but will do if someone would like me to. Cheers, Andy One picture I have to show the finish on them Wrapped up
  5. Andy

    Pair of headlights

    Means he hasn't read them yet. Give him a chance
  6. Andy

    Pair of headlights

    Paul aka P15ULT hassome I believe. Worth a PM or a search in the For Sale section.
  7. +1 doesn't look too bad at all, probably a careless courier.
  8. I already have a carbon bonnet otherwise i would!
  9. Good call, that was how I did mine, got it up on stands and used a long extension from above, didn't take too long in the end but is a bit fiddly as there isn't much room to work on the upper bolts. Be careful of the sensor swap over as well but that can be done off the car.
  10. Andy

    UK spec gauges

    Didn't erson have some going? What about Alex or Lee?
  11. It's an inspiration, that's for sure! Loving the finished article, the rims are classy as well.
  12. The outer edges come loose easily when the screws are undone but the center bit where the button is on the underside feels like it needs another clip undoing or something and I don't want to break it if I can help it as I have modded this one a bit already!
  13. +1 was going to say, while you have the meter out, it's worth checking the alternator as well.
  14. Sounds intreaguing! I am hoping to make it to some Dub shows next year so will hopefully see it in person. So far the car has been stripped apart, shell off and a new chassis prepared. Going through the motions of checking what is salvagable and what needs replacing at the moment. I think it will be a rather long term project so taking it to BugJam next year might be a bit optomistic!
  15. Loving that Lee. I am helping a mate restore a 1302 Beetle at the moment but it is more rust than useable parts atm!
  16. Loving the Mk4's, especially the blue one with the Porsche Turbo wheels, that would be how I would build a newer Euro car personally.
  17. Andy

    New car

    Cheers guys, had to be done
  18. Andy

    New car

    The g/f used to have a Mini Cooper S but being a full time nanny and filling up with fuel every 4 days just wasn't working so we sold the Mini and bought a Seat Leon tdi Sport 140 with all the FR trimmings on it. I'm rather excited by this as I have done a fair amount of work to a customers Ibiza 130 which is now running FMIC, Milltek exhaust and de-cat and remap and is now pushing out a respectable 170bhp and 300lb/ft of torque! Am very impressed with the driveability of the car and with a few choice mods it should fly whilst still returning good mpg. First mod though was a private plate which was too good to not buy My plate..... Her new plate.....
  19. I love the whole Euro scene and a lot of people round where I am are into it as well. This was my old Mk1 Golf that I was restoring, was almost done then was trashed and had the wheels nicked off it outside my old flat while I was working away. All it needed was the new suspension fitting to drop it and it would have been pretty much done. Had to get rid though as I didn't have the time at that point to rebuild it for a second time!
  20. Check this stuff out, looks very smart and professional (read that as non chavy) and it very strong so won't flex if hit by a stone or something. Is what I am fitting to my Z. Pretty much the same price as the crap stuff that is floating about as well. http://www.lockwoodinternational.co.uk/ ... -c483.html
  21. Does anyone know how the button comes out from a retractable cubby hole? I have undone the 5 or so screws on the back of the button surround and the ends seem to want to pull apart but it's stuck behind the button. It's a stupid problem but a problem none the less and I am reluctant to use brute force
  22. Live for the now Cracking move Ian and good luck with it
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