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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Abbey are south mate, they are your best bet
  2. I agree, it would make sense. I've just been in the garage looking at mine and trying to compare it to pictures I have of the HR engine and the more I think about it, the more I think it's either not going to fit or it's going to catch on something so to save any complications, I am going to pull this thread and consider my options. I have Plan A which I might try this weekend or B which is I will buy a used/new bulge bonnet then sell my carbon bonnet seperatley to avoid any complications.
  3. Missiles are going elsewhere on the car, would just look silly on the mirrors Here is what I have done, what do you think?? Don't worry, i'm not serious, will update my build thread once I have done them
  4. I can't say 100% as I haven't seen it done but if you look at my carbon bonnet, it does have a bulge in it already and there looks like there would be space on the underside as well. I have been trawling the forums trying to find something but to no avail.
  5. Am just finishing it off now, will stick up a pic shortly
  6. Here is the reset guide..... viewtopic.php?f=35&t=141 Here is another guide that may help..... viewtopic.php?f=35&t=30870
  7. Try a window reset procedure. It is in the guides section here, I will dig it out for you
  8. Cheers to fiddy who sent me the mirror diagrams, you're my hero For future search purposes, it appears all you have to do is place the mirror on its back so the glass is facing up and gently "pop" it out by levering it out pivoting off the base of the mirror. I'll probably have a crack tomorrow so will take photos and do a "How To" so that if I break it, others won't make the same mistake.
  9. Brilliant, cheers guys, appreciate it
  10. It's quite hard for me to get to get access to mine at the moment but from how I can measure it, i am going for a 16mm. Updated below 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm 2: Andy - Red - 16mm 3: fakeindian -Red - TBC 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm
  11. I always use a dab of thread lock on each of the threads and a bit of copper grease on the flat sides of the spacer
  12. Does anyone know how it is secured in? I need to remove the glass to do a mod
  13. Aside from the obvious which I am sure will get its fair share of flaming, I still can't understand why people don't at least attempt to clean cars before putting them up for sale
  14. Fancy some Orange Crush Dodo Juice Wax? I have a lovely pot here with your name on it that I can dispatch today
  15. Na, I don't want it to turn into a witchhunt tbh Spent a bit of time on the car over the weekend as the Mrs was away ( ) and got the front arches on finally. I mounted them and countersunk the fixings and then smoothed over the top, sanded down then wet & dried until smoooooth. They are very solid on the car now and almost finished. The nearside front arch needs some final finishing but only a couple of hours work. I also refitted the arch liners having modified them slightly, popped the wheels back on and gave her a wash....my god did it make a difference! I also finished off the bootlid with a final sand where I had filled it again between the bootlid and the Ings spoiler. Again, this was then rubbed back with wet & dry of various grades and then primed and painted etc. Arches mounted and countersunk holes filled with P40 to give a solid base Final layer of P38 to smooth the lines off After a wash Next up is to finish the nearside arch and the front wings and doors need repainting but that shouldn't take too long. Next big-ish project will be the new install. More updates to follow
  16. You are the evil side of the force!! Must resist!!
  17. 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm 2: Andy - Red - tbc
  18. I'd like a few more details before I commit fully Will keep an eye on it once the seller gets back to you
  19. +1, wouldn't mind one of these myself.
  20. Yes, the bonnet is open in that pic, my battery is dead so need it on the latch to jump it The vinyl on the front can also be peeled off very easily. Here it is closed fully.
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