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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I will see you all up there as I will be up both days and Val, all the hotel is booked and confirmed so no concerns about sleeping in the car!! See you Saturday!!
  2. Saw an awesome looking Azure Blue Z in Crawley 2 nights ago near the Pease Pottage turn off!! Was it anyone here???
  3. I thought there would have been more there. I saw 3 or 4 hacking it down the A22 in Caterham in the morning!! Looked awesome!
  4. I could be up for this as well as I only work about 25 miles from Brighton!! Will check the diary when I get home and book it up if i'm free!
  5. Bit out of the ordinary but Sextons in Maidstone are selling off these speakers for £190 delivered. Speak to a Mike Harwood if you are interested. These are very, very good speakers and normally retail at over twice the price but due to a change in importers to BBG, they are selling off their stock cheap. I don't have any vested interest in any deals that go down but thought I would make you all aware in case any of you are interested either for your Z'ds or for any other cars you own. Please be aware though that these won't work with the low ohm Bose systems but will work with aftermarket 4 ohm systems.
  6. Called them today and nothing so far but will keep on checking and will keep you all updated.
  7. Andy

    various parts

    I'm going to sounds really stupid here but I have seen a few comments about pop chargers.....what are they??
  8. Someone stacked a 350 badly (write-off) in Crawley yesterday so if it is scrapped locally it will be taken to Bridges Breakers Yard in Pease Pottage. If this is the case, I can strip it and send bits off round the country as it is 5 mins from where I work.
  9. Good man!! You know it makes sense!!!
  10. I feel sorry for the poor sod that had to clean it out!!!
  11. You sure you don't want a room mate??? I camped at Donny last year and froze my ass off!!!!!!!! You're more than welcome to chill with all us Yoco lads in the evening and have a couple of beers in the warmth (I sorted their rooms as well) if you want so long as you don't mind me picking your brains about the Z!!
  12. I'm pretty sure this is the one that we are all booked into. 3.5 miles from Donington Park so means it is not a mega early start on the Sunday. http://www.travelodge.co.uk/find_a_hotel/hotel/hotel_id/126/NottinghamEMAirportDoningtonParkM1 Feel free to check the location if you like and confirm the booking. They are all in my name....Trowbridge. I have 5 rooms booked, 3 non-smoking and 2 smoking. We need 3 so if you need them, you are welcome to 2 of them at £45 per night per room.
  13. £45 per room which can sleep 3.
  14. For the mirrors, all you need to do is switch the power source from an ignition feed to a permanent 12v feed. Job done.
  15. I can see this is going to be another expensive month!!
  16. I don't have an official title with them but I basically organise all their cars for events/shows etc that they go to and generally scout around for new feature cars for them. In return, I get press passes to some of the shows and get to sneak my car into some trade stands that they do at things like Max Power Live etc (Crap show but it's nice to be mingling!!) And you're right about the totty....that is anothe perk of the job!!
  17. If it helps as well, I have 5 triple rooms booked about a mile and a half from the venue and we only need 3 now so if any of you need a room let me know and I can transfer them across (hopefully) or you can just use my name.
  18. Bit Off Topic but I will be up there (without a car) with SLTV and Yoco so will come and find you all and introduce myself if you end up going.
  19. Andy

    V6 NOS part 1!!

    It's ok mate, as much as I love the RS-V's, I want to get something with a stupidly big dish on it for the Z!
  20. Andy

    "Glovebox" flaps

    No problem mate, sounds like a nice little project. If nothing else it is good to know I can mount one of my 7" screens in there for my sat-nav!! Thanks very much!
  21. Andy

    V6 NOS part 1!!

    Thanks mate! I'll try not to embarass you all at any shows I go to with you all!! Roll on V6NOS MkII!!!
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