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Everything posted by Andy

  1. £10k for all that!!!!!!!!1 That is a bargain!
  2. Not going to bother with the second half!!
  3. These ones open out about 2/3 of the way as they would normally and then they lift up. They have to come that far out to make sure the door trim clears the A-Pillar. I prefer it that way though as it means you don't always have to lift the door up, you can still use it as a normal door but also as a lambo style if you're feeling like a tart!
  4. Cheers mate I'll take some pics of the various stages of them going up if you like or i'll see if I can do a video somehow!!
  5. Cheers for the comments guys.....I must admit, I did ask myself if I was mad several times whilst doing it!!! The "minor mods" they refer to are simply shaving a section about 12" x 1" from the inner arch where the new door mechanism pivots into...nothing major and my Dremel handled it hansomly! The car is all back together now and I do have pictures of the final stages but I don't have time to post them now i'm afraid as I am off out to do some ASW'ing!!!! Pics to follow later tonight!
  6. I have had a few days off and have had a LSD door kit in my garage for a while so I thought i'd crack on and fit it!! Here is how I got on!! Take a perfectly good 350z! Jack up the front. Removal of bumper and wings. Put in a safe place!!! Everything off. Taken the door off and test fit the new hinge. Put to bed at the end of Day 1!! Extension of the existing wiring harness Running the new TV cable and speaker cable through to the door. Customisation of the wing. Remounting of the door on the new hinge. Success!!! Put to bed at the end of Day 2 I am currently working on the passenger door but rain has stopped play so thought I would put some pics up!!
  7. Welcome to the site mate! Will no doubt catch up with you soon!
  8. Guys, I am really sorry but I am going to have to bail on tonight....just had the news that it looks like I am going to be an Uncle for the first time tonight!!!! Has taken me a bit by surprise as it's a week early! Real sorry guys but I hope you all have a good one. Sorry to let you down but i'll def. be at the next one.
  9. Quality find Sarnie!! Seriously though, good on ya Ming....good to see justice being served!
  10. Fair enough...like I say, I really haven't got a clue when it comes to the different formats!! Jay - Far too early for your humour...if you can call it that!
  11. Yes i can do that too. SO everyone bring cameras if you have them, MiniDV only and give me the tapes, then i can edit it all together. I will be setting up my in car camera mount to get some driving shots and set up the microphone too for some nice audio sounds. Awesome!!! I have to admit I am a bit niave when it comes to all the video editing.....I have a Sony Handycam but it has the Hi8 tapes. Is that any good??
  12. Can anyone do video editing so we can get a film of the night???
  13. 4th Sin of England...Slagishness!! I love TV!
  14. You deserve a trophy for that comment!! Sorry Jay, but you gotta admit....that is funny!!
  15. Don't think so bud, think it might be nice to keep this a Z only affair anyway! Ha ha until he is old enough to have one lol Ah bless him...he's only young!!
  16. Don't think so bud, think it might be nice to keep this a Z only affair anyway!
  17. I think that will be a resounding yes from everyone!!
  18. Sweet, looks like we have a vanue!! Blackwall tunnel is just round the corner as well...oh and did I mention my Nismo, cats & Plenum are going on this week!!!!
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