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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I love it mate, just need a red Veilside badge now but need to remortgage to pay for that Got the bolt & 4 nuts from a local motor factors....£1.50 all in, job done. Just need to work out where to put my plate now!
  2. Got mine fitted, simply used a different bolt and secured it in place with the double nut method. Excuse the state of the car and tools all over the place, have been doing various odd jobs on it.
  3. Welcome Alex, good to meet you and your mate the other day. Hopefully catch up with you at a meet soon
  4. The 16mm is fine, it is the thread that is wrong I believe, ie: 1.25/1.5 etc.
  5. Received mine this morning, quality and finish looks great. Will try fitting it later on today hopefully. Big thanks to Dave for sorting this Group Buy out
  6. Andy

    Which Kit

    Amuse by a mile for me
  7. It's confirmed it, I need some of those bolts in my life! Liking the decals on the front black fan cover as well, nice touch
  8. I think you should give the S/C kit to me as you're such a nice bloke
  9. Fine with me mate, I was expecting it anyway, just let me know how much and I can get it over to you asap
  10. Do they function as indicators too? If not, where have you relocated them to? I wanted completely smooth front wings but couldn't really think of a good place to move the side repeaters to. I have relocated the side repeaters to be inside the reflectors so I still have side indication at junctions etc. I too was tempted to completely smooth off the wings but in the end I decided it needed something just to break up the solid colour on the side.
  11. It's never worth that.....now if he had a Veilside kit on it, that's a whole different ball game
  12. Cheers Jay, it's getting there slowly but surely! Main thing it needs now is a serious clean and a decent camera to take some pictures with! My point & click seems to distort colours and blur things a lot
  13. All I did for the panel was take the whole center console out and removed the cubby hole then cut a panel to fit and bonded it in place. Very easy to do but useful for my buttons, bluetooth kit, TPMS etc. Pleased it worked well Bennett. My car should be back on the road early April so will hopefully be getting to some meets then. I spent a couple of hours on the car on Sunday, just tinkering and cleaning up a few bits really. I also sold my carbon bonnet during the week and am in the process of arranging the replacement. Cleaned some overspray off the front numberplate and refitted the front Veilside badge Fitted the side Z badges Cleaned up the engine bay and polished the Cusco strut brace I also wanted to finish off the center console. I had previously wrapped the console in carbon vinyl but there were some blue painted parts still showing through under the gauges. I split the whole lot apart again and changed these to matt black and colour coded the rings around the gauges. Once dried, I put it all back together and attacked the lower console around the gear stick. Old gear gaitor New gear gaitor Removed all the innards to get to thesilver rings around the dials Primered them, then painted Final coat of lacquer All back together with the new gaitor Refitted back in the car
  14. Interesting.........back in a bit.....cheers guys
  15. That's promising Just need to work out how now!
  16. I know this has been brought up in the past but had a search but can't find anything. Does anyone know how the steering wheel covers come off...the silver plastic pieces that go round the buttons? I have a feeling it was a case of cowels off, airbag off etc etc but can anyone confirm this?? Cheers.
  17. Andy


    Might be worth a PM to RGVA who are Forum Traders as well
  18. +lots, worth a lot more as individual compenents for someone with the time to split it all
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