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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Thanks Mike.. Slightly off topic but reference your signature 'As seen on TV' - is it your car that is on the 'webuyanycar' adverts
  2. OK, so now I am confused Quite fancied the DBA XS Discs as they look different with the yellow hub. They are a 4000 series which is recommended by some of you guys, but they have drilled holes in additon to slots. I understand from a thread on here that drilled discs, crack? DBA's site suggest 'XS' for road and '6x6 slot' for track (but they have a black hub ) Has anyone got these rotors on their Zed and what do you think? Thanks Neil
  3. Alex.. Do you supply grooved / drilled discs along with Ferodo pads, by any chance mate? I'm moving towards replacing the whole lot but only if I can get a better disc than standard. Neil
  4. Alex, I know you stock them matey and if you were closer, I would have PM'd you already to buy and collect asap. Trouble is, I have looked at them this morning (as the fronts were sqealing like a stuck banshee) and realised they need changing asap. The outside pad looks OK - it's the inner pad (the one you can't see without removing the wheel) that needs replacing. I reckon I'll be on the rivets by Monday if I'm not careful Neil
  5. Thanks Neil (Great name ) It's not the clicky axle issue. The actual pad is slightly smaller in height than the caliper aperture which allows the pad to move up or down a little, thus causing the click. Grease didn't help I am afraid. Thank you for the feedback though - the EBC comments are greatley appreciated. I might look at those instead. Neil
  6. I have Ferodo Pads at the moment, but need to buy a new set. I have to say that whilst they are a great product, they 'click' in the calipers if braking in reverse and then brake when moving forward. This is not a problem as you get used to the sound. I know this may sound a daft question but, why doesn't anyone talk about Brembo Pads (unless they are the OEM pads?) that would be specifically designed (dimension wise) for their own calipers? Am I missing something? Bracing myself for abuse Neil
  7. Neil

    New Backbox wanted

    You can no doubt buy a full Scorpion system (front, middle and back box) but we are discussing the back box only at the moment. This has welded tail pipes and inlet pipe to the complete silencer. Neil
  8. Neil

    New Backbox wanted

    Thanks Ricey, Appreciate your advice mate.. Think I'll be looking at Scorpion or Cobra then Neil
  9. Neil

    New Backbox wanted

    See what you mean guys... Thank you. I guess I'm am looking for a chromed OEM backbox then. Any suggestions where I can get one (or a VFM quality box)? Thanks
  10. Neil

    New Backbox wanted

    'There's a hole in my bucket, dear lisa, dear lisa' (oldies would remember the song). To be precise, there's a hole on the inlet pipe so I need to buy a the complete backbox with welded tail pipes. I'm thinking of going shiney shiney.. Has anyone bought or had experience in terms of quality/straight fit etc, of these on eBay? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-Z33-03-3-5L-TWIN-TAIL-EXHAUST-BACK-BOX-/350351259992?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item51928ff958 Any advice or comments welcome guys as I need to get it right first time. Thanks in advance Neil
  11. Ah but can you see whats changed? I can... Someone has pinched his reg plate
  12. I know bud - it was good to see you again, by the way.
  13. I'm the Neil that asked you what your hairdressing rates were mate Think you need to buy a zed (I know you are tempted)
  14. here you go Billy Thanks Rich I feel wanted again
  15. Yes...that was me...thanks Chris
  16. Apparently, it works well on sunglasses as well mate What !! even yellow ones........... ESPECIALLY Yellow ones ! Whilst I am here - I feel like Billy No Mates - Not one photo of my car yet! I'm sure I was on the drive with the rest of you, or was I dreaming...
  17. Apparently, it works well on sunglasses as well mate
  18. Got to say a big thank you to the mods (especially Dave and Colin who I believe did the most work?) for yet another awesome meeting - really enjoyed it. The weather helped as well Made me smile when we were all leaving Bala Carpark - Apparently, if you put on a High Viz vest (Chris) it authorises you to stop all the traffic so we can get out together Ingenious... Look forward to meeting you all soon. Neil (and Kath)
  19. Neil

    I Phone

    I'll answer your question Ian seeing as no one else has I have the iPhone 3Gs and it connects to the bluetooth adapter without issues. One feature I like is that you can use the voice commands on the iPhone and this works great as well Hope this helps?
  20. OK thanks Mike.. Do I have to buy a hairdresser's car to be the same as Jacko though?
  21. Thanks Stan... Appreciate your help. Neil
  22. I have already approached them bud.. We installed their network for them including their voice system (Ironic eh ) Thanks for the suggestion though. Neil
  23. I must say everyone... Thank you very much for your responses so far - You have restored my faith in humanity ! This certainly proves that Zed owners are spot on Neil
  24. Hi Vasser - thanks for the post... They will no doubt look for formal technician / engineering certificates, of which I do not hold. I got my hands 'dirty' from necessity (when we were short staffed) and therefore learnt the un-official way. Anyway - I can't swim (Joke). Appreciate the suggestion though bud. Neil
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