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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. It was the different horn that swung it for me...
  2. Congrats on the number one, Neo! And hello again Rish!
  3. Come on guys! They had one of these "us and them" type discussions on the other site a few weeks ago which degenerated into such a slanging match that the protaganists on both sides ended up looking plain daft. We don't want to repeat that here, do we? Newbies look at this sort of thing and wonder whether they can be arsed joining either and I wouldn't blame them. Why don't we all get on with it instead of sniping - it's not achieving anything. As a man pretending to be from my part of the world once said "Calm down! Calm down!"
  4. I couldn't - people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones....
  5. It came down to the Zed or a 3 litre Z4 but after the test drive in the Zed I didn't even bother going down to Bee Emm.....
  6. Sod the test drive, mate. Buy it, you won't regret it!!!
  7. TheMinel - Val - (Manchester) Azure AndyC (Manchester) Azure M13KYF - Mike - (Manchester) Azure Nikos (Wigan) (but hopefully not to be a Z owner for too much longer) Blade Jacko (Manchester - North) Azure Digsy (Liverpool) Blade (All Azure - do you Mancs have no imagination! )
  8. Slow moving, my friend.
  9. Digsy


    £817 in the end through Admiral
  10. weirdo, I swap them before starting to drive Aw, there's no fun in that!
  11. After my 6100 started intermittently dying on me before Christmas I realised I was stuck with the choice of archaic phones for my hands free. I needed to move to a contract and, perhaps not surprisingly, the shop were delighted to give me a free 6100. OK the phone's pretty ancient compared to the latest model but its small, neat and does what I need it to do, so I wasn't too bothered. The first 6100 they gave me lasted about 4 days before it was obviously malfunctioning and went back to the shop. They gave me phone #2 and I tried again. Whilst the phone seemed to work it would not sync with the hands free for love nor money. When I took it back the shop told me that Nissan's kit was so crap that it doesn't work with the latest 6100s which carry updated operating software. (I was never entirely convinced by this but no-one else seemed to know better.) I was told they shouldn't but they would load the old software but it would invalidate my warranty. I remembered my old man had an older 6100 and instead of losing the warranty swapped with him and things were fine for a while. Now the hands free is playing up and I've managed to establish that its the phone (again!) not the car kit that's the problem. This is now the third 6100 in 4 months that's knackered - not what I'd expect from a simple and fairly old phone! Question is should I give up on the phone kit and buy myself a spanking new bluetooth phone (not by Nokia) or try and find myself another old 6100 just to use the car kit? Any thoughts? Any recommendations for good phones?
  12. Fantastic mate. Not a girl's car at all IMHO - provided it's not yellow or purple of course! It doesn't drive like a Zed of course but for front driver I couldn't fault it. It goes well and the supercharger "whine" is strangely appealing. There are some great aftermarket exhausts available too but if you can stretch to it get a Works - if I hadn't bought the Zed that's what I'd be driving now. Only one drawback is the ride on the 17" wheels which is definitely bouncy. If you're not too worried about the aesthetics, and you can find one, the standard 16" wheels give the best ride/handling compromise. Try www.mini2.com for info and a very friendly forum. No in-fighting and free last time I looked.
  13. And greetings to you to, then! As for your run around Nibby, go with the MCS - I still miss mine....
  14. Privilege just quoted me £400 more than my renewal with Elephant and £530 more than First Alternative! I needs to get me one of them garage things.....
  15. Weird as.... Val, is there any sensible explanation for this? And do the RSPCA know?
  16. Digsy

    Volk Wheels

    May be too late but have you tried these guys - sales@funkystyling.co.uk
  17. Edd I've heard it all before mate but I'm 34 going on 14. I can barely look after Mrs Digsy & I - god help a sprog! Plus how am I going to afford fast cars if I'm blowing my dosh on kids.... D.
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