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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. I agree. I want one with my car at the front.... Me too!!! Fantastic pics guys!
  2. Good point - but I don't think we can blame Jacko if the Welsh ice cream sellers can't be arsed to work when the sun's cracking the flags! Round here they come round in the snow!!! Did anyone else catch the sun? Got me a bit of a bronzie! Val, you need to change the avatar to "we had cookies....."
  3. Is the guy who had this done and posted pics on the old site lurking round here? Make your self known!
  4. ....can anyone post a pic, roof up of course!
  5. Yeah, excellent day out. Big thanks to Jacko for organising, leading and bringing the sunshine. Special mention has to go out to our lovely ladies who braved terror and travel sickness to share the day with us. You must be mad.....
  6. OK, its Sunday morning and I'm up, if not awake. So this is what it's like before Hollyoaks on a Sunday - weird!
  7. Bugger. Now you've worried me - haven't had time to master my new sat nav yet.........
  8. Hello there and welcome. :bye: Lets have some pics so we can see what you guys do.
  9. Digsy


    I'm not going out in the pissing rain again!
  10. Ditto with the dents but mine are all in the passenger door. I'm also looking like having a dirty motor as it's just started raining here.... garaged mine just before it did Oh you people with garages are such show offs!!! Just washed it in the rain - no chance of drying it off though.... Just a little confession amongst friends but its the first time I've washed a car for 8 or 9 years.
  11. Ditto with the dents but mine are all in the passenger door. I'm also looking like having a dirty motor as it's just started raining here....
  12. Yeah I remember a couple of pubs, but we go through a few towns so we can alway stop somewhere if people want to. I think Bala has a few places, but its been a while since I've been there tbh. Sure there will be though..... Either that or there will probably be the obligatory fast food stand at Bala lake etc. Don't worry I eat for England, so I'll be wanting some food of some sort! hmm we better bring some extra sandwiches then Yeah, and the cookies you mention in your avatar or its Trading Standards for you Val!
  13. Probably Nissan dealers.........
  14. I see a couple of Azures on the '57 regularly but they don't seem to be on here.......
  15. Please close this thread before someone gives something away. I haven't got E4 so haven't seen episode 3 yet...
  16. Nearer 10 than 8 for me mate or I may be arriving without me crown jewels if you know what I mean.
  17. I like the new wheels BTW. Black looks geat with the yellow. Hope to see you on the Northwest run, Kev.
  18. Booooooootiful!!! Have spent the evening ogling a Murcielago, Gallardo and Gallardo Spyder (in the flesh) and it still looks superb. All the best with it mate!
  19. Ah, the difference between grip and handling.........
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