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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Is it more of Vals cookies? He didn't bring any yesterday - I was v disappointed!
  2. Very very pleased with the job Dave at Dentec did for us and the price was the icing on the cake. Highly recommended! Thanks Val for setting this up, and good to meet Liam and his missus however briefly.
  3. Combo of first and last names again, scewed a bit over the years.
  4. My Nissan salesman was very stand-offish through the sales process. Didn't warm to him at all and had to remind him that we were existing customers (Kat's Micra) when he wouldn't throw in mats etc. Car sold it though. Had it serviced yesterday and heard the girl on the desk ask another couple when they wanted to collect their car, the woman politely said as soon as possible and the terse reponse was "as you've got a courtesy car you're no sort of priority, you know". Love cars, hate dealers.
  5. I think you do youself a diservice suggesting you're biased, Kev. I would say that coming from a generally acclaimed sports car to drive another puts you in perfect position to judge the Porker. It's not like you work for Nissan!
  6. Interesting post Kev. Always good to get a warts and all assessment from someone with no axe to grind. I've never driven one (although was fairly unmoved after 3 days in my mum's Boxster) and despite it being far better looking than the 996 I just can't get excited about them. I figure we've seen it all before.....
  7. Not much point me being there before 11 then.
  8. Mike makes a good point. How long does this guy take? No offence lads but if I'm the last done I don't really want to spend a few hours watching him do the other cars. Should we be staggering arrivals here?
  9. Are we all still on for this, then?
  10. True, think about it...... a new roadster is ONLY a collection of new parts! Could be a problem if I've got to put them together myself though.........
  11. How about 20% off new roadster then John? Surely it extends to sales too........
  12. Blimey, I think AndyC deserves some recognition today...........
  13. Congrats, Val! I see my support gave them just the push they needed! I think our lads could do with a bit of penalty coaching from the Italians - that's how you win a penalty shoot out, no f@ck ups! Nice to see the celebrations in Manchester - didn't go near our city centre so don't know if there were many scouse Italians out..........
  14. Digsy

    Volk GT-C's

    Lol.... well you gotta remember Digsy, that we don't live together so she has no say in what I spend my money on That said she's known that I've been like this all the time...... and of course the second bit is true! Don't think wheels will be on before then mate, considering I've only just send payment to Baptist and they are still on his car at the mo! Be very surpised if they were on before JAE...... we still gotta sort times out etc. But will be on as soon as poss....... Ahhhh, young love!
  15. Let me guess ... Tip #1 - Wait until I get back Tip #2 - There are no more tips
  16. Definitely my Mini Cooper S that the Zed replaced. There's no doubt the the Zed is the better car and everything I wanted and more but the MCS just ticked all the boxes for the sort of driving I do. It looked cool on the rare occasions it was clean (black cars, eh!), went like stink, handled beautifully for a front-driver and because it was so small was ideal for the town/suburban driving I was doing. Some nights after a serious commute, ducking and diving through the traffic, I actually found myself getting out with a huge grin on my face! Biggest downside was the bouncy ride - 17" wheels and runflats. If I hadn't sold it I would have had the John Cooper Works kit fitted. Test drove one and it was ! However, a friend of ours died and we decided to go with a "live for today" motto and blew all the savings on the Zed. If I'd had a few pennies more I'd have kept the MCS aswell.......
  17. The Equip2's would look mega on something eigthies like a RWD Corolla coupe. Didn't someone have a white one as a track car?
  18. Who's in the JPS Lotus pretending to be Senna?
  19. I'm a bit late but.....................hi!
  20. Digsy

    Volk GT-C's

    Mark, your missus is one understanding young lady. You must be hung like a donkey, lad! Now get the wheels on before next Saturday and come and show them and your zorst off to us poor dented buggers at Dentec!
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