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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. That was the tastiest Gallardo I've seen yet! Not sure about Clarkson's comment that the standard Gallardo isn't a driver's car! Yeah but Clarkson ain't a motoring journalist, he's a failed chatshow host! ..... He's obviously been spoiled by "his" driver's car, the Ford GT..... that oh, sorry doesn't actually drive anywhere as its always broken down again! You tell him, Mod!!
  2. I like the idea of inviting the Z-Club. I trust no-one would have any objection to a few classic Zeds muscling in on the meet.
  3. That was the tastiest Gallardo I've seen yet! Not sure about Clarkson's comment that the standard Gallardo isn't a driver's car!
  4. Nice one, Mark! Is this to distract you from spending money...............
  5. Hi chaps, Yeah it was a fantastic weekend, was really good to meet some more new peoples faces from names on here! In response for Val's offensive comments! 1) Oh poo..... I've done it again! - It was Liam's fault as he twisted my arms..... 2) That was Val's fault. But I defo know what kit I want in about 5 years when pay everything else off! 3) I knew we should have tested that tent. Anyway, I was just supervising and getting Liam to do some work for a change! 6) Sitting RIGHT UNDER the fireworks was fantastic...... I kept expecting to get a burnt out rocket on my head! 8) How cool, to get our nice little stickers on the Sumo drift car, right under the driver's name! And for my own little note, thanks for Martin for all his hard work, letting me play photographer for 15 mins with his very nice expensive camera (another thing I want now ). Thanks to Bob, the forum BBQ chef! ...... top work fella, I was stuffed for ages. Thanks to Chris & Val for setting everything up. Thanks to Mike and Mark (Max) for letting me use their products (as I couldn't fit any in the car) after everyone cleaner their cars, so I had too...... Oh and thanks to Liam for his wheel advisory service! The weather was a bit interesting, but to say how bad it went on that Sat afternoon, then at least we escaped without incident! Good to meet some of the guys who I've not met before, too many to mention but everyone was great Sure will remember more later and post pics up when I can resize etc.... More wheels???? Explain yourself!
  6. Is it like that footie game during the war, Dash? PS Good to see you make an appearance over here.
  7. Wonder whether he got paid for all that advertising....
  8. I suppose you should just take it as a nice compliment, Tim. Shows how the car's looking!
  9. Yeah, I'm thinking 6 months or so when (like all good M cars) depreciation will have hit and I should get some good nearly new deals. Enjoy, my friend!
  10. Too far, too much to do mate. TBH (and this is a bit controversial) it all looked a bit "MaxPower" to me and Kat would have hated it. If had been a bit nearer I would have shown my face just to meet up with the guys for a beer. You?
  11. ...what with everyone being at JAE. If all the mods are there does that mean we can swear and post rude pics?
  12. Beautiful, mate! Like the blue roof - very classy.
  13. For what it's worth I think it's a great choice and can't wait to see some pics and your initial views after a few miles. One of the few genuinely original designs knocking around at the moment IMHO. Bangle doesn't always get it right (step forward 1-series, X3 etc) but at least there is a desire to look forward - all these retro designs are beginning to get on my tits... After another grim liaison with my stealer this morning I'm doubting very much whether my next car with be a Nissan (had been very tempted by a Roadster) and a Z4M is looking like it could be the one. Good luck, Kev, hope you enjoy it and we continue to see you here and at the meets.
  14. I think we should set up a task force to pay a vist to people like this who disrespect the Zed and give 'em what for. We could call them "Der Ladz". Any volunteers?
  15. I thought the Roadsters didn't have hands-free?
  16. Happy Birthday, Val! You're as young as the woman you feel.
  17. I thought Dave the friendly dent guy had suggested your support vehicle was only fit for a Viking funeral.
  18. Key is sh@te and shoddy, end of story, but the car is . Buy it!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and welcome!
  19. I see some else has got today's copy of Autocar Busted!
  20. Nice one, Chris! It was something that was bugging me too. Now that's service!
  21. Price £100k, 190 mph, 450 bhp, 4.7 litre V8, final version revealed Paris Show, 500 and LHD only. Anything else you want to know?
  22. A guy on Radio 1 yesterday thought the caravan fire was real! Anyway, it's easy to bash Clarkson (yep, I noticed the distorting of the truth with the Vectra's top speed) but at the end of the day it's all pantomime. It's not meant to be taken to seriously, and old pube-head would be pissing himself laughing to think it was. He's struck on a winning formula (to be controversial for controversial's sake) which has made him a fortune and will no doubt play on it until everyone gets sick of him and the cheques stop rolling in. If that means that he takes a few liberties with the truth then so what. (I might feel differently if I was running Vauxhall!) Basically, whilst I would rather watch a more focussed car programme, TG is still head and shoulders above all the others (Fifth Gear makes me cringe and Pulling Power ran an article about buying £100 of car stuff from Poundland to put in a Kia Picanto - now that's entertainment! ). It also means that those people who aren't petrol-heads can watch and enjoy and maybe be a little more enlightened by cars. Just my two-penneth.........
  23. I think the answer's pretty obvious but let's provoke a bit of debate.....
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