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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. I got one of them too I think the voice activation is broken on my girlfriend! I ask the same question and I get a slap!
  2. Digsy

    19" Wheel Question

    Still gibberish i'm afraid Glad it's not just me! I'm a bit concerned in case I order from the States and get this wrong.....
  3. Digsy

    My new Recaro's

    They look really smart! Dare I ask how much?
  4. Jacko, you truly are a diplomat, mate. I think you're the best person to take this on. If I can do anything to assist (and this goes for you too Steve) just let me know. I can post at the OC if necessary.
  5. Can't wait for the pics! Oh and what's the wait?
  6. Digsy

    19" Wheel Question

    Kev, let me try to clear this up.... I've already ordered the wheels in 9.5" & 10.5 as I really want one certain set. Rays wheels don't only come in +22 according to the catalogue (well the ones I'm getting don't). The supplier is waiting for "best offset" but I can get the following offsets in the right wheel/size. They have come back and recommended the smaller wheels..... For 10.5": -15, +5, +17, +30 For 9.5": -9, +5, +17, +30, +42 Now the standard Rays on Zed are +30 front and +33 rear. So from what you are saying, i could go for a +30 rear and either a +17 or +30 front?? What would be best there then? Alternatively, I could go with a 8.5" front and have offsets of: -2, +11, +23, +36. So if I went for the smaller wheels, then you are saying that +23 & +30 would be best? On standard ride height (at the mo) I don't want them to stick out a mile and look cheesy crap, or get pulled by the rozzers etc...... So now what you think?
  7. Also don't bank on your "local" office being local - mine wasn't!
  8. Nothing to add but welcome!
  9. What a fine choice! I'm very envious of your funds! Now what mods are you going to do to it????
  10. Welcome back, mate. Good to see ya! Out of interest, what do you drive?
  11. Hey, Val, I just meant that they were good suggestions - I think you may be taking my comments the wrong way.
  12. I say that we work towards a joint meet (including Z-Club) in May 2007 and, as that seems a way off and the OC are having their own in September, we arrange our own for before the end of the year. I may be missing something but that seems to keep everyone happy, give us somehing to aim for and collaborate on, and allow Val to bring some of his ideas to fruition sooner rather than later. Now be kind to me......
  13. Definitely a no go I'm afraid - sunny Majorca beckons! But a big thanks to the Z-Club for inviting us.
  14. 1: Chesterfield 2: Sarnie (If it dont rain ) 3:lomoto (even if it rains ) 4: Digsy (I've got a brolly! )
  15. Ahhh but the sound.........
  16. You're a brave man posting that Sarnie, even in the current post-JAE glasnost! Just you wait until Mark gets back from driving his new motor... Seriously, unless someone over here (or you Sarnie) does it I can't see it happening - I think the OC will stick to their members-only plan as it supports them charging a membership fee. I noticed the Z Club have invited us to their do which is jolly nice of them and a bit of a coincidence! I think I'm probably in sunny Majorca then but if not I'll try to make that one.
  17. I had kid, no more than 7 today come upto me as I was parking up and say: Safe geeza, yo ride is sick! My car is new, it can't be sick yet I though that bloke was locked up in the Big Brother house..... Who? Spoiral? Nah! "Ezee Geeza" Pete.
  18. I had kid, no more than 7 today come upto me as I was parking up and say: Safe geeza, yo ride is sick! My car is new, it can't be sick yet I though that bloke was locked up in the Big Brother house.....
  19. http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/tvr/defaul ... ryId=14575 I like the look of this but top bid seems to be £48,500 so too rich for my blood!
  20. This has turned into a riveting thread, guys!
  21. If you bill it as a 350Z meet but say any other Z's are welcome I very much doubt we would be inundated with them. I imagine quite a few of them would be sniffy about mixing with the 350's. Your call though! I do agree that we give the OC a chance to invite us and if not we organise our own. Any suggestions on a suitable venue?
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