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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. C320 guys. Apparently the reset button isn't on the back and you have to start prizing off bits of plastic to get to it - not very convenient whilst you're driving! Methinks it's going back to be replaced with a Tom Tom as the consensus still seems to be that it's the best budget buy.
  2. Dorian's c) suggestion is the one I'm really missing at the mo'. Need to filter out Sarnie and Liam's waffle. Can we have a button to do that Chris?
  3. Was on my way to see an important client today, and meeting not one but two QCs there to boot. Meeting was 200 miles away in Ashington, north of Newcastle. Plugged in my trusty 3 month old Garmin sat nav and set off. Just got off the motorway and the screen freezes - nothing I do or press will make it move or indeed turn off - in fact it's probaly still on in the glovebox now. Of course I had not prepared any other navigation, streetmap print off etc. and had to wing it, arriving 20 mins late and very embarassed. Some may remember that this is the second Garmin I've bought since Xmas - the first one didn't manage to work at all! Hopefully, this will be a warning to anyone planning to buy from Garmin..... Rant over.
  4. Hmmm. Food for thought there. Cheers.
  5. Sounds like you need to lick Volks clean every night before bed! Jacko, you reading this?
  6. Seems to have run out of ideas IMO
  7. Says he with his missus sprawled over his bonnet!
  8. Are you saying that pictures of bouncing breasts are better than me in full rock-star pose?
  9. Not reading this thread anymore - it just upsets me!
  10. Happy Birthday, fella! What pressies you got?
  11. Jeeeesus, mate! That looks !!! You're one lucky b@stard! But what does it sound like......
  12. Another very good point, my apologies Interesting though that no-one else has rushed to their defence. I suspect that most of us have had poor service from a franchised dealer (not necessarily Nissan) over the years and it colours our view of them. We can't tar them all with the same brush - John @ Holdcroft and Davros spring to mind - but if the dealers want to to turn around their image they really need to try harder to show they give a damn about us. My dealer has done nothing in the last 18 months to suggest that I am anything other than annoyance to them and that they are doing me a favour by selling me a car and then servicing it. Stealer seems a very apt description.......
  13. On its way when Val pulls his finger out!
  14. Digsy

    stroker kit

    Oooh er, missus!
  15. Digsy

    stroker kit

    Bloody hell, mate! I don't know what it is but the name sounds good. Are you sure you've posted on the right site! I think it's a special type of compression pistons!!! Don't ruin my illusions, mate!
  16. Digsy

    19" Wheel Question

    I think I may be over-analysing the situation.....
  17. Digsy

    19" Wheel Question

    Update - Darren is recommending +20 and +25. Fun this.......
  18. Digsy

    stroker kit

    Bloody hell, mate! I don't know what it is but the name sounds good. Are you sure you've posted on the right site!
  19. Might just save you a few quid to spend on something else...... like the girlfriend And that can unlock quite a few of her hidden functions.......... Ive heard much like the BOSE system they are very expensive and are tempromental And also very loud at times Could I suggest that no-one tries sticking their c0ck in their BOSE - they're not exactly the same. THIS WAS A PUBLIC SAFETY ANOUNCEMENT
  20. How could I not accept such a gracious apology!
  21. Digsy

    19" Wheel Question

    I've e-mailed Axis for clarification on the offsets as they've got Zeds on their website. I think I'll get onto my350z.com and do some more research as well. Thanks for the useful info guys! .....halfway through writing this Darren from Axis in the US has e-mailed me to say they are dodgy rip-offs. Hmmmmm.
  22. Well that's my thread well and truly hijacked! Bunch of perverts the lot of you!!
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