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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Nice site, Chris. I'm sure I'll be visting again.
  2. Well today should have been wheels and tyres day. I was like a kid at Christmas last night looking forward to it but it didn't go quite as planned........ Despite having a heavy week and needing a lie in, the chap at Demon Tweeks in Wrexham who sold me the wheels told me to get there at 8.30 am so I wouldn't be waiting all day. So hauled myself out of bed at 7 am and headed off to Wales with no brekkie. Pissing rain and a hairy moment where the ESP only just kept me on the island made the 1 hour journey a bit more interesting. Got there to find the anticipated rush had not materialised and there was only me and guy with a Jag X-type getting his tyres changed. Alarm bells started when they couldn't find a job sheet for me and it soon became apparent that this was because my 2 front tyres hadn't turned up. Why hadn't they called me yesterday???? No-one could tell me because the guy I have been dealing with wasn't in today. What complete bollox!! Anyway they weren't able to offer any solutions (and indeed didn't really tax themselves to think of any) but said I could still have my exhaust fitted (how kind). Problem was I'd needed a hand getting it there and it (and my brother) wasn't due to arrive for another 30 mins..... Bugger! Anyway got it fitted (about an hour or so) and they wisely didn't ask me for any cash. It was sheeting down when I got in the car so I could only give it the most cursory of glances but when I got it home the right tailpipe is slightly but still obviously higher than the left. To cap it all the jury's still out for me on the exhaust itself. It's a Nismo and you only have to scan this forum to see that it is universally raved about. I'd understood it to be very much like the standard set up but louder. The reality of mine is that it's a bit louder up until 3000rpm when it suddenly booms but then between 4000 and 6000rpm it seems to settle back to what I'd expected - a louder, richer version of stock. It's the boom at 3k that's bothering me - it sounds a little chavvy and coincides with about 80-85 mph which is where I tend to cruise on motorways (I'm a slowcoach, I know ). Maybe I just need to get used to it but I wouldn't mind some reassurance from others that they're all like that. Anyway, moan over, but suffice to say my belief in Santa has been rocked for the moment!
  3. Bloody hell, Sarnie, what a great post - not like you at all! Glad you enjoyed your day. Now that you've popped your cherry (in the rain ) I hope that your a definite for Wales.
  4. Digsy

    Re-trim Seats

    That's one seriously cool and classy motor you've got there, Dorian. The wheels look great with the GM. Nicely!
  5. Digsy


    Sorry to hear about this, mate. Can you bear to share the gory details?
  6. Digsy

    Newish Wheels

    yeah you right Digsy.... What wheels you getting anyway? Or is it a surprise? All will be revealed in due course, my boy.... It's also exhaust day tomorrow!!! Good man, but if you get the same as what I'm getting in a bit (I'm being sensible till spring) then I'm going to come around and break your legs! Nah, I'm not minted like you, mate!
  7. Sarnie, where does your bird put the guide-dog in the Zed when she's out with you?
  8. Digsy

    Newish Wheels

    yeah you right Digsy.... What wheels you getting anyway? Or is it a surprise? All will be revealed in due course, my boy.... It's also exhaust day tomorrow!!!
  9. Digsy

    Newish Wheels

    Did you buy the Anteras off the lad who nabbed Kev's rims, Liam? If so they look a damn sight better on your Kuro than his Custard. Funny how colour can affect what wheels suit the car. Kev's black rims look spot on a UY (and I'd guess a Kuro) but I wouldn't fancy them on anything else. Wheel day for me tomorrow, too!!!
  10. Trust me, if you spec the Z4M to the same level as your 350Z GT it'll be a lot more than £43k. However, looks are subjective and whilst I wouldn't expect anyone on a 350Z owners site not to like the looks of their own car, plenty here won't like the Z4. Conversely on a Z4 forum (if there was one) the tables would be turned. As for performance, I don't think that comparing a modded car to an M-Sport developed production model is like for like. Several of those with heavily modded Zed's have recently posted to the effect that anyone seriously increasing their Zed's performance takes their chances.... Just me two penneth....
  11. Yep, that's why I'm banking on the usually M-car depreciation freefall and will be keeping my Zed for another 12 months at least.
  12. Digsy

    Ah, memories...

    Who's who on the second photo?
  13. Nice as it is to see you over this side, Geoff, I'm intrigued. What brought you over here today?
  14. Maybe he'll prefer Rish and Chubbs' form of banter. I can't think of any forums where there is no OT banter and the OC is no different. Plus it's not like he's escaped Sarnie........
  15. OK, so all we have to do is find him a GT in this colour......
  16. And I used to like you I was thinking of Dave "Lucky Bastard" Baker! Do you have a yellow Zed too, Sarnie?
  17. Definitely 2005 IMO. The differences, whilst no doubt improvements, are so subtle that I can't see it's worth the extra unless you have to have a new car. Some bits of the interior seem to have been changed unecessarily and not really for the better. I doubt you'd notice the extra power unless you ran them back to back. All Zeds are fantastic cars and you won't be disappointed whichever one you choose but you may be a bit poorer.....
  18. The only prejudice on this site is against those with yellow Zeds! Welcome and and enjoy....
  19. Interview for anything interesting, Buds?
  20. Digsy

    Test drive

    look at the underbonnet gubbins
  21. Digsy

    Test drive

    No such thing IMHO. Anything that goes wrong on one of those would be mega expensive I'd have thought and it'll hardly be in the first flush of youth....... Seriously chavvy motor as well.
  22. Think of the exclusivity, Sarnie! You'd win the colour argument hands down!
  23. This is Miami-GT's number if anyone is serious enough to give him and ring and get the GB started - 07939 111 877. PS I'm not buying so don't suggest I organise!
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