Easy tiger
Precisely! Can't you hold a reasonable and civil discussion without frothing at the mouth?
I did read your first post, and I know your brother was running lower boost. What does this have to do with the comments I made? How are they inaccurate? Why have they upset you so much?
If you just want to blag, maybe you should save it for your mates in the pub. If you post in a public forum, expect some discussion - it's the whole point of the forum after all.
In terms of knowing what I'm on about, I have a 350Z and a twin turbo VR4 which shares much of it's running gear with an EVO VI. I'm a member of the Lancer Register (EVO forum). The mild modding/tuning to the VR4 has all been done by me & myself, so I suspect I've got an inkling of knowledge -it's not just something I've read. It's not comprehensive, and I don't know it all - which is why I like to discuss things on these public forums!.
So that's all I'll be saying in this thread -I'm not interested in a slanging match. Mods, appologies if I've upset anyone (let me know if I have) - I don't think I've said anything outrageous or provocative...