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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Digsy

    2003 350Z

    I thought that might be the problem.
  2. Glad it went to a good home, mate.
  3. Hooooge congrats! Merry Christmas everybody!
  4. +1 - I need flash cards or something, have absolutley no idea Someone else did the research for you!
  5. I think its just that we got the facelift models after Japan.
  6. I think the exchange rate has put paid to cheap imports. I've seen more Zeds for sale than anytime this year recently but prices are all over the shop. Some seem to have got carried away with idea that used car prices have gone up in general and their over-priced cars clearly aren't selling. Patience, young Jedi...
  7. Go dark! Oh and if you don't want an overpowering exhaust avoid the K1.
  8. Ducks Garden! You just have to love the the Japanese!
  9. Maybe it needs to go so that something else can rise from ashes. Maybe something more focussed on the the enthusiast, although I won't hold my breath...
  10. Can't believe you even took it out last night, Wayne! Pleased it had a happy ending though.
  11. Just a shame the RATM track is so sh1te really....
  12. Fair play but going on recent personal experience I don't know anyone who's bought a Merc in the last 2-3 years who's had major problems, Jags and Landies on the other hand....
  13. Most early cars came without RAYS as they were a £1000 option Yea, but when I ordered mine (early 2004) I was told that all cars were coming into UK with the Rays option fitted, so it was a no-option option i.e. you had to take the Rays and pay the £1000.00 Salesman's flannel - I had no problem getting a car without Rays.
  14. Its all relative. I don't think it has a snow setting... What would put me off a Rangie is reliability/quality. The reputation is pretty p1ss poor and Chesterfield's recent Jag experience wouldn't make me any more confident. Merc or BMW for me.
  15. If you do it matt black it'll look like those rubber ones from the eighties - very retro!
  16. Don't know about you Stan but I'm missing the rear windscreen wiper when I come out to the car and its covered in condensation. I've never run a car without one in the winter.
  17. I looked at getting one with the same budget in mind but was put off as the ones in my price range were leggy or old or both. Bear in mind that the early ones can rust and pre-2002 the tail can be a a bit viscious. They don't seem as solid reliability-wise as early Zeds. I'd sign up to the S2000 forums and find out what to look for - they're very friendly folk. I did have a test drive in one with an HKS exhaust - very nice!
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