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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Welcome aboard! I agree with everything that the wise ones have said above. Mine's a daily driver and with a bit of self control you should stay out of harm's way. And when the weather's good........
  2. Its Val winding me up again...nice bit of detective work Digsy know where to come when I want some legal work
  3. How the F**k can an alloy wheel rust??? where did you dig this crap up fromVal?? They must have been some good old pot holes, I have some beauties round here and mine are still like new!! sounds like an American fool to me?? Isn't the lip stainless steel? Nooooo! polished alloy..I dont know what rims the Yank Plank has Perhaps in retrospect not the most intelligent thing I've ever posted. Actually having done a bit of digging around recently, plenty of alloys have a stainless steel lip. I suspect this is why our American friend's rusted.
  4. Val, our American fool was posting about his SSR GT3's not Ruff wheels. Quoted from his post: I too own a 2003 G35 coupe 6MT. I have 19" SSR GT3 wheel on Dunlop tires. Here's the deal: If you live in a pot hole ridden area DO NOT get these wheels! I've replaced FOUR front wheels. Three from pot holes one from me being an idiot. The point is our car is rather heavy 3500lbs. These wheels are made for the kids that drive Civic, and other teenage "tuner" type cars. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the way they look on my car but I get VERY mad when I smack a pot hole and it cost me 700 bones to fix. Also, even if you live where the road are perfect you really need a garage. My rear lips have begun to rust and it does not look cool.
  5. Ming, thanks for sharing that with us. I can't imagine what it's like to see someone die in front of you and I hope I never find out. We had a friend die almost 2 years ago. He was climbing in the Alps, got caught in bad weather and froze to death, alone on a mountain side. He lived life 110% and, although some would say that was why his was cut short in his 40s, he lived more in that short time than most of us ever will. It certainly put things in perspective for us and is actually how I ended up with the Zed. I had wanted one for ages but had been reluctant to part with the cash. I had the sudden realisation that I could be dead tomorrow and you can't take it with you. Like Burgershot says, perhaps everyone reading this thread should give their partners an extra hug today, ring their folks just to say hi and just stop to appeciate everything we love about our lives.
  6. Funny how we all like different things isn't it. I think the wheels match the interior - hideous. David you're absolutely right - they're hideous. I should have made clear that I was referring to the one posted later by Mathys!! Andy's not wrong about the wheels on the "intestines" car - anyone recognise them?
  7. Congrats! A stunning looking car!
  8. Too true. You cant drive the car if you're out on the pop....
  9. OMG we've gone off topic, mate! Now how did that happen????
  10. I cant express in words how much I detest that car... Don't shoot me if I've missed this already (I came back from hols to a lot of new posts which I haven't read yet! ) but what type of Porker is it? Boxster S Latest model?
  11. I cant express in words how much I detest that car... Don't shoot me if I've missed this already (I came back from hols to a lot of new posts which I haven't read yet! ) but what type of Porker is it?
  12. Yup, any idea of prices yet?
  13. Digsy


    I know (and respect) Val's view on using spacers on aftermarket rims but does anyone else have any views/experiences to share?
  14. Nooooooooooooooo!!! Mummy, the bad man is posting scary pictures again..........
  15. Blimey, Bap, a man of many talents! I'll give it a listen when I get home - not really the done thing listening to dance music in work!
  16. I'm tight as a duck's arse over little things and then lash out £28k on a car!
  17. I bought mine when I could afford it and have a fuel card to pay for the immense thirst. If I had to find the cash now and pay the petrol each week (just under a tank) I might be struggling a little. Would probably still do it though!
  18. The site will definitely be poorer without your technical nouse, mate. Good luck and be happy!
  19. I got caught speeding by the Rozzers on my Celica test drive......
  20. Porsche dealers acting like that is wrong but the fact that my Nissan salesman had a similar attitude stinks.
  21. Very swish interior, mate. Can make the brews aswell?
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