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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. PM them to me Nice to see you're playing this one cool, Sarnie - I doubt she can sense that you're desperate.....
  2. Big respect to Ryan and Karen for some great action shots!
  3. Yeah, but if he doesn't have in stock what you want, he promises you a phone call and you never hear from him again....
  4. I would have gone down that route but decent sets just don't seem to come up that often. I have to say Steve's right about damage - I'd only buy from someone on here or the other side, not e-scam....
  5. Not illegal yet but the new law is going through Parliament shortly AFAIK.
  6. The average price is only an indicator of what peole are willing to pay Decide what you are willing to pay and then that'll give you a starting point Wise words, oh sage!
  7. A grand for the type Max and Lomoto have (but be prepared for "cheapo" and "heavy" comments from The Zedfather (Val )) but nearer £2k for somthing like Vals. Liam's are second hand but I imagine the new price would be around £2k too. Don't forget there's another £450 plus for tyres. Good luck.
  8. I was pleased to see you were taking it easy with all those nails in your tyre - as you undertook me doing 90 down the M53 slip-road!
  9. Yes some nice roads around there. Know it well. Something for spring to sort out Count me in.
  10. Or an "ambulance chaser"..... got a card Digsy??
  11. Or an "ambulance chaser".....
  12. Don't have to be welsh to be weird ....but it helps. Most weird people are from merseyside Say that to my face tomorrow, brummie-boy!!! You ain't big enough, you scally mincer Good job I didn't see that before I got to Chester or you'd have been dead meat, short-arse!
  13. Think it was 14 in all not including Liam who had to leave us with a nail in his tyre. It was a great day - much more fun than bitchin'!!!
  14. Good meeting you too, Sinbad. Another cracking outing arranged by Jacko! Cheers, mate!
  15. I say post it up I'd be very interested....... One second thoughts, lets keep everything here calm - you can tell me tomorrow.
  16. Welcome, Kense! Seriously nice motor you have there. No badges, eh?
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