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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. I think it's for Val's benefit mate; FI == Fairly Improbable if you are still around in a few years' time you'll see You'd better be quick Val - the likes of Tim at his age haven't got long left!
  2. Didn't know Stevie Wonder drove a Zed............
  3. Guess your view all depends on how happy you are with your partner and how much you respect them. Asides from anything else I couldn't handle the guilt of p*****g around behind my missus' back, plus I haven't got a good enough memory to be a liar Keeping one woman happy is hard enough work. Two would be !!!!
  4. Aw b*****ks, you're right!! Knew going to the caff for a brew & a cig in the morning and missing the odd lesson would come back to bite me sooner or later Misplaced childhood - should have been reading books!
  5. Digsy

    350Z GT S Kit

    Couldn't agree more mate. Was beginning to think I was the only one who liked the spoiler..... Presumably, if they offer the conversion over here you'll have to have the kit for the extra cooling required?
  6. Me too! Time to give it up as a bad do......
  7. The only thing I might do is just wait six months and try and grap a used one. DaveH That was my plan. BMW M-cars are heavy depreciators..... Thats not true, they hold well Not according to everything I've read. Haven't had one myself so no personal experience - put my trust in the motoring press. I'll wager a tenner that the Z4M turns into a heavy depreciator.
  8. Went for £76 in the end. More than I was willing to pay.
  9. Blimey, Grant it's been a while since I've seen you post over here and that list of mods seems to have grown exponentially!!! Any chance of some more pics of your Zed as I still think it's one of the best lookers out there! PS Sorry for thread hijack.
  10. Busy day for newbies! Welcome Squalks! I can't help you with the techie stuff but someone will be along before you know it who can. Also remember that the "search" button is your friend. Enjoy! Oh and
  11. Welcome aboard! Do a search to get the inside line on JDM's and any issues. It's worth remembering that we have only base and GT models here but imports come in many guises. There's a wealth of knowledge here and plenty who'll fall over themselves to help you. I, of course, know jack sh1t!!!
  12. Welcome, Sheena! You're right about the lack of ladies here but I am seeing more about driving Zed's. Two blondes in a GM Zed pulled up at the lights next to me on Saturday night so I thought I'd give them a friendly wave - forgot the missus was sat next to me - still got the bruises....... Anyway, enjoy!
  13. Hi Boblet. Welcome aboard! Where are you based?
  14. Stunning car, Bap. Almost perfect IMHO and I agree with the comment above about it not being OTT like some of the yanks. Driving impressions?
  15. Ah, but were both your photos genuine??? He doesn't really look like Brad Pitt, you know........
  16. This will be hilarious if you actually look like Bella Emburg....
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