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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. If it was registered as a GT4 I'd be very surprised if it wasn't.
  2. Just run it through the Autotrader site and its registered as a GT4.
  3. They were the standard wheels across the whole of the world except the UK. Not really very exclusive....
  4. The OP is myself...why exactly have i got blinkers on then? I think he got confused when the other chap hijacked your thread!
  5. Invite only as far as I am aware. The admin team are best placed to decide who is suitable.
  6. A very well deserved appointment IMHO. Good luck, James.
  7. Which Zed would I want if given the choice of the 4 - James's hands down. Which would I vote for in a comp like this? Pauls. Simples.
  8. It will vary slightly with the individual wheel design.
  9. Digsy

    GTR Alloys on 350Z

    Looking very sweet, my friend! I'm loving the colour combo. Are we looking at the same rims?
  10. Fair point. I'd take the Azure MY06 though...
  11. LOL Husky Everyone does the same speed through adverage speed cameras, and it's usually between 10 - 30 mph in a 50. you always get people who won't do over 20 when going through speed camera zones, and on a road like that it's going to cause mayhem. I can't relate to that at all. I've done a couple of long trips recently with lots of 50 mph zones and average speed cameras and my experience was that everyone's driving bang on 50 just waiting for the end when they could speed up.
  12. What does he do? Anyone famous?
  13. This one is low mileage and is being sold by Dan who is a member here. He doesn't sell tatty cars. http://www.galloot.myzen.co.uk/stk62.htm
  14. I say Blitz. http://z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseacti ... entCat=223
  15. Digsy

    Wheel Question

    http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/G35_OEM_ ... l_Overview Scroll up for 350Z OEM wheel sizes. Not all staggered.
  16. Digsy

    Wheel dilema

    I'd lose the chrome. In theory chrome ones would be worth more but they're an acquired taste whereas black GTV's should be snaffled quickly. All IMHO of couse.
  17. Discussed at length in this thread viewtopic.php?f=113&t=32768 and numerous others if you use the search button.
  18. Don't do it. The only time I think it looks OK is on a very heavily modded show car - something like Zedrush's old Veilside Zed.
  19. Biggest regret? Selling up.
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