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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Do your research on the S2000 forums. They are far from bomb-proof and having looked at them for my self before Xmas the ones in the £7-8k range that I saw were all pretty shagged and ready to become money-pits. I decided not to take the risk in the end and went with the newer Mazda.
  2. They've just been contacted by our new Primeminister asking why they are ignoring you....
  3. I'm only going to echo the sentiments above, particularly about avoiding moneypits like RX7s and GTOs. I'd pick up an MR2 or MX5 and enjoy the cheap running costs and fine handling for a bit.
  4. Many happy returns, James!
  5. I think they look great but, like the TT/Scirocco, they're nothing more than a pretty body on regular hatchback underpinnings. I doubt they're after the same customers as Zeds.
  6. Great work you JDM slag!
  7. I've seen both - I think they changed it at some point but not sure when.
  8. Its should be on the banner at the bottom of the page and in teh Traders section - Z1.
  9. It was, first UK cars arrived springtime IIRC. No way is it a 313.
  10. The GT pack has never included Rays. Rays became standard with MY06 I think. Prior to that they were an option.
  11. Don't like his skanks in the last pic either...
  12. Hideous! Porsche's design team lost its way many years ago...
  13. I'm just wondering who those who refuse to vote want to run the country? Or are they advocating anarchy? If they don't support democracy (and by not voting, how can you?) then would they prefer dictatorship or some sort of enforced communism? If no-one voted what do you think would happen - the world would suddenly turn into Pandora? Don't get me wrong, I see all the flaws in the system that are mentioned above but what is the alternative? Our lives under a capitalist democracy are pretty good compared to many in this world. There is no country that I would rather live in that doesn't run a democratic system of voting. None of the parties fit with my ideals and wants 100% (or probably even 50%) but to expect anything else is just naive. Everyone in this country has different beliefs, circumstances, requirements etc and someone who could please everyone all the time would a a deity not a primeminister.
  14. I'm afraid that whilst this is a nice theory it is simply down to luck of the draw who you are dealing with and their attitude to complaints. I always start by putting forward any issue in a calm and polite manner and sometimes it bears fruit, sometimes it doesn't. There's no hard and fast rule.
  15. Great pics, Chris. I'm sure the irony of some of them isn't lost on a lot of us.
  16. Looks a great meet. Do they do anything similar in the North?
  17. I pay £60 a month but I do rent from a security company so there are electric gates, CCTV etc.
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