I'm just wondering who those who refuse to vote want to run the country? Or are they advocating anarchy? If they don't support democracy (and by not voting, how can you?) then would they prefer dictatorship or some sort of enforced communism? If no-one voted what do you think would happen - the world would suddenly turn into Pandora?
Don't get me wrong, I see all the flaws in the system that are mentioned above but what is the alternative? Our lives under a capitalist democracy are pretty good compared to many in this world. There is no country that I would rather live in that doesn't run a democratic system of voting.
None of the parties fit with my ideals and wants 100% (or probably even 50%) but to expect anything else is just naive. Everyone in this country has different beliefs, circumstances, requirements etc and someone who could please everyone all the time would a a deity not a primeminister.